Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1520: The sensation caused by Bai Xiaochen (5)

Bai Xiaochen smiled and said: "Da, you are so old, are you still yelling at my little brother? And, I told me that in China, no one can make me wronged."

"You..." Wenfeifei glanced at him, and the first two steps of the gas approached Bai Xiaochen.

She hasn't been able to get close to Bai Xiaochen. The big bear standing behind Bai Xiaochen stood a few steps and blocked Wen Feifei's gaze.

Wen Feifei felt the pressure on the bear, and her breathing was stagnation, and she raised her head in panic.

This man... is also a warrior?

And it seems that this man is not his family, but instead he is like a bodyguard.

Can you use the warrior as a bodyguard, he is also a family of ancient Wu family?

Not waiting for Wenfeifei to understand, the big bear had raised her hand and picked her up. She walked outside the hotel unceremoniously, threw her out hard and fell a dog.

But no one spoke for Wenfeifei. She used to be accustomed to the emperor, and there were countless offended people. Looking at her treatment, there was only a feeling of great happiness.

"Little brother," the lobby manager stayed for a moment and smiled bitterly. "This is Feiwenfei. It is a scholar's daughter. Your bodyguards are like this to her. Inevitably, they will be retaliated by the writers. You still have to leave this place. It is best to go. Hiding abroad."

The power of the writer is stronger, and it is not derived from the foreign place...

"Wenjia? Is that Wenshan in the writer?" Bai Xiaochen gently stroked his chin and asked with big eyes.

This question, he just wanted to ask.

The lobby manager nodded: "This is the writer."

"Oh," Bai Xiaochen said. "The feelings are good, I don't have to go to the writers. When they come to the door, my uncle, if the writers come to me, you will tell me about my room."

The lobby manager was stunned. The child was still too young to know the horror of the writer.

Therefore, he turned his attention to the bodyguard behind Bai Xiaochen.

"I didn't hear the instructions of my young master?" The bears looked intently and looked cold.

Watching them resolutely, the lobby manager shook his head and did not stop it.

After all, this is their choice, he can't say a word more...


The storm here is not very big, and it has not affected Bai Xiaochen.

He originally thought that Wenfeifei would go back to complain, and the writer would soon come to the door. Who knows that the writer did not wait, but he waited for the people of Tianjia.

Thinking about the things that Emperor Cang told him, Bai Xiaochen dragged his gangs with his hands, his eyes wide and his eyes were smiling.

The first day he came to the emperor, he met two enemies of the mother-in-law?

This luck... it’s really good.

Of course, his smile fell into the eyes of Tianfeng, and he thought that he was very satisfied with Tianzhuer. He hurriedly pulled the unrestrained Tianzhuer, and said with a smile: "Little Master, how come you come to the emperor?" Don't say a word? I'm good to send someone to pick you up. This is a little girl, her character is lively and kind, I will let her take care of the young master."

When Tian Haoer saw the appearance of Bai Xiaochen, there was a flash in his eyes. ,

This little young man looks so good, his father... certainly not bad.

It is a pity that the body of the Shuijia master is not very good. I don't know when I will lose my life. She doesn't want to be alive at a young age.

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