Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1521: The sensation caused by Bai Xiaochen (six)

"She... I don't seem to want to see me." Bai Xiaochen saw the impatience in the eyes of Tianzhuer, and the smile on his lips was more and more brilliant.

The face of Tianfeng changed. He glanced at the sky and turned to Bai Xiaochen. He smiled with a smile on his face: "How come? The young master is so loved, how can the little girl not like it?"

"That's a good relationship," Bai Xiaochen patted his little hand and smiled. "My family, A Huang, recently lacked a female companion. I also like your daughter very much. If you want her to be with A Huang, how about?"

"A... A Huang?"

The wind is smashing, what is this yellow? It stands to reason that if the young master likes to be a child, shouldn’t he introduce it to the younger master?

"My family is a big yellow dog, I think they are very suitable."

The face of Scorpio is green.

This child actually let her give a dog a wife? Also said that they are very suitable? Where are they matched?

"Young Master, are you kidding us?" Tianfeng’s mouth was pumping, and asked for a smile.

Bai Xiaochen said seriously: "I am not kidding again, I am serious!"

"But... people and dogs, how do you match?"

The words of the wind, completely angered Bai Xiaochen, he stood up suddenly, a small face screaming.

"Do you look down on dogs? How can people and dogs not match? In my opinion, my A Huang is loyal and obedient, I don't know how many times stronger than some humans! You want to give my daughter to me, too. See if she is a dog!"

From the appearance of Tianfeng, Bai Xiaochen discovered his intention.

He did not expect that in this place, there are people who dare to hit his idea, but also want to get close to the bad guys through him?

In the end, where did they think that he would help his own?

The handsome face of Tianfeng suddenly froze, and he looked at Bai Xiaochen in vain, his eyes filled with shock.

Originally, he thought that the young master was just a child, very fooled, but he didn't expect the child to be so eccentric, and he debunked his intentions in an instant.

Bai Xiaochen converges with anger, and the dawn flashes: "I heard that you have destroyed a family before the family, is the family white?"

The wind is smashing, this thing... How can the young master know?

"Little Master, there is indeed this, but it was ten years ago. It has been many years. I don’t know what the young master is using to raise the matter now?"

Bai Xiaochen got an accurate answer from the mouth of Tianfeng, and his heart was stunned.

Hold the small hands on both sides tightly.

When the mother was in this summer, how much pain and grievances was it?

Watching the death of their loved ones... The only father, who let those people kill her relatives, and forced her to the rear, did not allow her to go to her mother's side...

At that time... How painful will the mother’s heart be?

These are all these people! It’s their mother’s grief and tears, and they’ve been suffering for so many years...

"I will ask you the last question. Why do you want to destroy the white house? Why?"

Why do you want to destroy the white house, this secret, perhaps only Tianjia and Fu Jiacai know, even Bai Yan is not clear why.

After the wind heard the words of Bai Xiaochen, it was silent.

He didn't know why Xiao Shaoye was so interested in Bai's affairs, but they had to deal with Bai's reasons in the past. Even Xueqin's brother did not mention...

But now the young master asked, and he did not dare to refuse.

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