"Little Master, this thing... it is not impossible to say."

The wind brows and frowns, and the corner of his mouth evokes a bitter smile: "At the beginning, we destroyed the white house, just because the white house has the same treasure. It is said that this treasure can make people cultivate into gods. Originally we intended to dedicate treasures to Less Master, unfortunately, I don’t know how to use the treasure until now. I’m afraid that the Lord will think that Tianjia deceives him, so I dare not say it.”

In fact, Tian Feng and Fu Jia did not think about surrendering treasures. After all, becoming a **** is the dream of all people. How can they be exceptional?

But now it has been more than ten years now, there is no way to use treasures, and now it is useless in the hands, big deal to say, maybe ... will also please the water home?

Thinking of this, Tianfeng carefully peeped at Bai Xiaochen, hoping to see ecstasy from his face.

But a pity...

He is destined to be disappointed.

In the small face of Bai Xiaochen, the face is still calm, his mouth is stunned with a smile, and the small face of the powdered jade is slowly rising, looking down at the sky in front of him with a condescending look. wind.

"So, for what treasures do you destroy the white house?"

When the wind blew, then he seemed to understand something, and quickly said: "You can rest assured that the young master is just a matter of our heavenly family. It will not let people talk about the waters and the wrong, and... so far, too Not many people know the relationship between the water house and the heavenly family."

"Oh," Bai Xiaochen blinked his eyes and sneered. "What does the water family have to do with the Heavenly Family? Why don't I know?"

Tianfeng did not understand the meaning of Bai Xiaochen, but still answered truthfully: "The housekeeper of the water house is my big sister."

"It turns out that," Bai Xiaochen stunned. He turned his head and looked at the big bear behind him. "Big bear, you and I scream, let the water house change a housekeeper, this kind of bully steward, the water house must not!"

The bad guys came to China for eight years, but in the past eight years he has been around the mother, and he did not pay attention to these mundane things, but now he and his mother are coming, and those who made those things in the past should pay cost.


If it wasn't for the steward who was supporting the wind, he did not have the courage to destroy the white house, one of the four small families!

Tianfeng’s face froze, and his gaze fell on the small face of Bai Xiaochen’s pink.

"Little Master... Is there any misunderstanding in this? How can I say that I can change it for the sake of my life?"

Bai Xiaochen dragged the gangster and looked at the sky with the bright eyes and smiled: "I don't think he is upset."

What is the reason for him to change someone? It is enough to see him unhappy.

As for the hustle and bustle of Tianjia... I have to wait until he finds the mother first.

Although he said that don't let these people's blood dirty the hands of the mother, but the mother should be present, in order to vent her resentment and anger that has been hidden for many years.


Before the days of the day, because of the words of Bai Xiaochen, his face was not very good-looking. Now he is so arrogant and even angrily.

What is great about this little thing? Just cast a good baby, if not his mother squats, even a sick scorpion to seduce, how can this little thing be born?

But he dared to treat it so excessively, and it was also the steward of the water family for many years. The water master and the lord were also absolutely unable to withdraw their positions because of a small thing.

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