Ling Lang hurriedly turned on the mobile phone and turned to Weibo and said: "There is a child at the airport today. It looks very cute. It is like a little fairy. No, no, it is better than a little fairy. Some people will take him. The photo was sent online, causing a sensation, and many people are guessing which star he is the son of.

During the conversation, Ling Lang had already turned to the photo and handed it to Bai Yan.

When the photo entered the moment, Bai Yan’s eyelids suddenly tightened, and the mobile phone was robbed in an instant.

"It's morning, the morning is coming to the emperor? Ling Lang, can you help me find where he is now, I am going to see him."

"Well, you wait, I will call now and ask them to help me search for where he is."

Ling Lang just wanted to call someone to help, and suddenly saw a new Weibo.

“The Chinese boy was embarrassed and offended the writer.”


Seeing the title of the Weibo, Linglang first glimpsed, and then handed the phone to Baiyan again.

"I don't have to ask, your son is at Huaxia Hotel, let's see."

Bai Yan took over the mobile phone. When she saw the content on Weibo, she passed a cold mang in her eyes and sneered: "It seems that the pain I gave to Wenfeifei is not enough. She still has the opportunity to trouble my son!"

Ling Lang: "..."

How can Wenfeifei know that the little boy is your son? It stands to reason that your age is such a big son.

Ling Lang did not explain, his feelings for Wen Feifei are equally incomparable, Nai Wenfei Fei has a writer as the background, the Emperor's sons and daughters will not deliberately provoke her.

This also created Wen Feifei's arrogant character.

Just as his lips moved slightly and he wanted to say something, a little Lori ran into the door and ran in.

"Brother, brother, the big bad guy of the writer is coming."

"The big bad guy of the writer? Are you talking about Wenfeifei or Wenshan?" Ling Lang brows and asks.

"It's a big bad guy in Wenshan," Xiao Loli's little face powder puffed. "Brother, can you drive the big bad guys away? I hate them and hate Wenfeifei."

Ling Lang smiled and touched the head of Xiao Loli: "This time in Lingjia, no one can bully you."

After saying this, he turned his eyes to Bai Yan: "A few years ago, my uncle's son went out to play with a smile. He happened to meet Wen Feifei, and Wen Feifei also took my little cousin together with a smile. For this reason, I and my uncle are going to Wenjia to settle accounts. Wenshan only shirks off the troubles between the children. If you are an elder, don’t intervene."

Thinking of this, Ling Lang sneered, ironically hooked the lips: "Children's fights? Oh, they don't look at how much Wenfeifei is? A few years ago, she was already eighteen years old! And laughing Only a few years old, the little cousin is only twelve years old! An adult bullies two children, actually said that it is a fight between children?"

"And, they bullied the reason for laughing, just because they smiled and touched the white clothes outside, and laughed a few words with her, which angered Wenfeifei..."

Ling Lang’s eyes were full of anger, and when he looked at the small radish head next to him, his eyes were full of gentleness.

At that time, he was studying abroad and could not come back for revenge for laughter. If he was at home, he would definitely let Wenfeifei beg for mercy!

"Brother," Xiao Loli took Ling Lang's sleeve. "Would you like to drive them away? I don't want those bad guys to come to my house. They can be broken."

"Good," Ling Lang Wensheng comforted. "Brother will help you to drive away them now. No one can bully our family and laugh."

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