Ling home living room.

The white dyed face was embarrassed and sat aside. In front of her, Wenshan’s face had no expression at all, and she slowly tasted the tea in her hand.

"White dye, Yan's return, you should know."

"You come to me, is it for Yan?"

When I heard the words of Wenshan, there was a surprise in the white-stained eyes.

Is it that Wenshan’s conscience finds that she wants to treat Yan’s well and intends to let her come to be a lobbyist?

He thought that this would smooth out the mistakes he made when he saw death and death.

"I came to you, really for Yan," Wenshan brows his wrinkles, his tone is dissatisfied. "This girl has been outside for ten years, and her temper has also deteriorated. When she comes back, she has poisoned Feifei. The pain is not as good as death. I hope that you can help me to persuade me to change her evil spirits."


Bai Dian smashed the cup in his hand to the ground. Her eyebrows were angered and looked angry at Wenshan.

"I originally thought that your conscience found out, I didn't expect you to come to me to complain! Why should Yan Yan treat Wenfeifei like this? Presumably, what did the daughter of Xiaosan do! A daughter of Xiao Sansheng, what good things can there be? She doesn't provoke her face, Yan Yan will poison her?"

"White dye!"

Wenshan's hand fell heavily on the table, climbed up from the sofa, his fist clenched, his face was blue: "Small moon is my wife, Feifei is my daughter, you respect them!"

Over the years, he has neglected Chai Yue too much, causing the outside world to give her such great pressure.

Thinking of this, Wenshan’s heart has risen.

As a result, the anger that faced the white dye became more and more prosperous, like a flame, it turned into a raging fire, burning his entire body.

"Chai Yue is your wife, then what is my sister?" Bai dye sneered and approached Wenshan for a few steps, ironic hooked lips.

"Your sister is dead!"

Looking at the white dyed with a contemptuous look, Wenshan’s brain instantly became blank, and this sentence blurted out without going through the brain.

When the words fell, he was completely empty, and his body fell a few times and fell on the sofa.

For more than a decade, he has never opened the door to mention the death of white, but this is also the pain in his heart.

But people are already dead. Why can't he marry his wife. What are the qualifications of these people who have been accusing him and Chai Yue?

"Yes," Bai dyed his eyes and sank a few points. "My sister is indeed dead, but don't forget, before she died, you will have a traitor with Chai Yue, and even Wenfei Fei It’s been a little younger than Yan Yan. She’s not a junior, but she’s also a junior, a little daughter, destined to be mean!”


A crisp voice sounded, and at this moment, there were five fingerprints on the white-stained cheek.

Wenshan’s hand was a little trembling. After he looked up at the white-stained indifferent eyes, his heart suddenly cooled a bit: “Dyeing... dyeing, I didn’t mean it, how are you?”

The white-stained eyebrows are all indifferent. She has always been disgusted with the writers... and Chai Yue, so this slap has not caused much fluctuation in her heart.

After all... This man is no longer the man who used his sister to protect his pet.

If he knew that he was so selfish, he would not encourage his sister to pursue love.

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