
Ling Lang just walked downstairs and saw Wenshan slap on the white-stained face. His heart almost jumped out and ran quickly, pushing Wenshan away from the front of the white dye. ◢随◢梦◢小◢.lā

"Mom, are you okay? Does it hurt?"

His hand trembled on the white, red and swollen cheeks, and an anger rushed out of his heart, which made him sweep the fierce scorpion to Wenshan.

Wenshan regretted the slap after playing.

Let's not say that Bai Dian is the daughter-in-law of Ling Kaiyuan. Just because she is a white sister, he can't do anything to her.

I can hear her humiliating Xiaoyue and Feifei. He stopped the control for a while, which will hurt her so much...

"I dyed, I didn't mean it. It's really not intentional. I am your brother-in-law. How can I bear to hurt you, I..."

His words have not been finished yet, but he saw a shadow flashing down the stairs. In an instant, a powerful force rushed into the chest, and his body flew to the outside of the villa.

I saw a beautiful woman standing in the hall door, her eyes filled with cold eyes, staring coldly at Wenshan who fell to the ground.

Speaking, like coming from hell, creeps, cold and eroded. ..

"Wenshan, I seem to have forgotten what I said before. I said, if you come to trouble me again... I don't mind my uncle, it seems that your life is not wanted, right?"

Wenshan looked up in a panic, and the purpose was the woman's stunning and indifferent face. His heart trembled: "You...what are you here?"

"This is my little family, why can't I be here? As for you...is no longer my mother's husband, nor my little brother-in-law, you are not qualified to beat her!"

Bai Yan walked slowly toward Wenshan, her mouth screaming cold smile.

I don't know why, seeing her smile, Wenshan's heart is cold, he always feels... This woman may really want to kill him.

The murderousness that did not converge, made his hair erect, and the body trembled without even one word.


When White went to the occasion in front of Yan Wenshan body, he stopped, looked back behind the angry Linglang: "You do not want to want to beat him?"

Ling Lang replied honestly: "I think."

But he is not an ancient warrior. On strength, nature is not an opponent of Wenshan.

"That's good, how do you want to fight, how to fight, killing is fine."

Bai Yan stepped back a few steps and smiled: "You can rest assured that I have already suppressed his strength. No matter what you do to him, even if he kills him, he can't resist."

Ling Lang’s look was a glimpse. He stared at Bai Yan for a long time and slowly opened his lips: “Thank you...”

Thank you, gave him the opportunity to avenge his mother.

Whether it will cause revenge by the writers or the joint efforts of other four small families is not something he wants to consider.

Today, he only wants to swear by the Wengshan Mountain and slap his mother for a slap in the face.

Wenshan was shocked and wanted to climb up from the ground, but he found that his body was suppressed by a giant mountain. He couldn’t move it with his movements. He could only watch Linglang’s fist in front of him...

Ling Lang is not a warrior, but the strength of a man can not be underestimated. This fist went down, and suddenly Wenshan's nosebleeds flew out and dyed his handsome face.

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