All the anger and resentment were vented at the moment. Ling Lang thought of the grievances of laughter and laughter, and the white and red face appeared in his mind...

His hate is full of chest, and he naturally does not show mercy. ◢随*梦◢小*.lā

Bai Yan was indifferent and looked at Wenshan’s mourning under Ling Lang’s fist, and there was no change in the color.

At this moment, she felt that her sleeves had been pulled, and she bowed her head slightly, her eyes falling on the side of the little radish.

"Sister," smiled big eyes bright as stars, looking at her with expectation, "Can you help me to make Wenfeifei?"

"Well?" Bai Yan raised his eyebrows and his voice was doubtful.

Xiaoxiao’s cheeks are bulging: “Wen Feifei beat me and my cousin, and my cousin was broken by Wenfeifei in order to protect me, but the bad guys of Wen’s said that this is a fight between children. Noisy, adults can't intervene. If... I can play Wenfeifei by myself, those bad guys have nothing to say."

She did not understand why Wenfeifei married her, and the writer was so confident, but she understood that the person who beat her would definitely retaliate back!

"it is good."

Bai Yan stared at the little Loli, and couldn't help but think of Xiao Longer.

This little guy... It’s really naughty and cute, and like a dragon, I don’t know if Longer woke up. She woke up and couldn’t find her, I don’t know how sad it is...

There are also Linger and every day... They must all wait for her in the realm of God.

Therefore, she must find what the heavens need to go back to the realm as soon as possible.

Smiled and smiled happily, the two shallow dimples looked very cute, and the face was pink and tender, even better than the peach.

"Sister, you are so good, not only saved me, but also helped me with Wenfei Feifei."

In the eyes of smiling, as long as there is a hatred with Wen Feifei, it must be a good person.

Who made Wenfeifei too annoying.


Outside the villa, it has surrounded a group of people.

Ling Lang naturally does not kill Wenshan in front of everyone, so after venting enough, he wiped the sweat on his forehead and took back the fist that was contaminated with blood.

Wenshan has been on the ground and can't move. His body is full of blood and his teeth have been knocked out.

"Cousin." Bai Yan looked at the crowd more and more people, his eyes sank a bit, and made a look to Ling Lang.

Ling Lang didn't know what she was going to do, but she still took a few steps back and gave her a way. ..

In the eyes of the public, Bai Yan walked slowly to the side of Wenshan, looking down at her.

"In the past, my mother was pregnant, and you let your love life become a child, and even after my mother died, I immediately greeted my lover back home."

At the beginning, people around didn't know what was going on. Now when I heard the words of Bai Yan, I suddenly felt embarrassed.

Huaxia is not the place in Longxiao mainland. The three wives and four sisters are the usual things, and here everyone will be disgusted and hateful.

Therefore, even if the third is shackled, they will stand on the side of the main room.

"So..." Bai Yan’s words, "What qualifications do you have to come to me for a little trouble? I only said that she is a small three, you just hit me a small slap? Also threatened me to persuade me?"

"I didn't make a mistake, Xiaosan's daughter is not a good thing! You think my cousin is jealous of you today, just because you have a slap in the face? You are wrong, he has to laugh out!"

"How old is the age of laughing and laughing? A few years ago, your daughter was 18 years old. It was only a few years old when she smiled. She would laugh and laugh so badly. My uncle went to Wenjia and asked, you just shirked a child. Do not let the elders intervene?"

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