Thinking of the gentleness of the eyes of Emperor Cang, Wen Feifei clenched her fists tightly, and made her face distorted and ugly.


From small to large, what good things are white, and her long-lasting fatherly love is also obtained after the death of Bai Yu.

Even now, she did not have the treatment of Bai Yan in the Wen family, and her mother would not let her spend too much money, fearing that the writer would mistake them for their greed.

That's it. Now she is the little princess of the Wen family. Bai Yan is just a deserted woman.

She has acquired such a cute and lovely son, and a man who is absolutely obsessed with her.

Why... After she grabbed Bai Yan’s father, she lost to her elsewhere?

Not reconciled!

Really unwilling!

If Bai Yan can die, if she dies, everything...all is hers.

Wen Feifei took a deep breath and pressed the anger in her heart. However, she looked at Bai Yan’s eyes full of embarrassment.

"Mother," Bai Xiaochen pulled the sleeve of La Baiyan and glanced at Wenfei Fei. "The woman has been staring at you, very unwilling."

Bai Yan sneered: "Don't worry about her, anyway, they can't escape."

She did not forget, Wenfeifei also ate her medicinal herbs for white clothes, these things... she must spit it out!


At this time, Wenshan has been unable to speak, vomiting blood, his eyeballs burst out, watching the Emperor Cang in horror.

Suddenly, in his eyes, this handsome man... is even more shocked than the **** of the instigator.

"Hey, how are you going to deal with them? Killing... or?" Bai Xiaochen came out of Bai Yan's arms, his eyes bright as stars, innocently asked.

"After the water family will come, bring all the people involved in the year into the water home! I have prepared countless torture waiting for them!"


Bai Xiaochen’s eyes flickered and it was obvious that he was very interested in torture.

Emperor Cang looked at the Tianjia and Fu family, and turned back to Bai Yan: "Yan, you don't have to deal with these things, I will handle it well, I don't want their blood... dirty. your hands."

"Okay, listen to you this time."

Bai Yan closed her eyes, even if she reported her hatred, her mother could not come back...

All the white people who died, one can not come back!

Emperor Cang Xu was aware of the pain in Bai Yan’s heart and hurriedly shifted the topic: “Don’t you introduce me to these people around you?”

Wen Yan, Bai Yan, this is a faint smile: "This is my little sister, white dye, little coward Lingyun, and cousin Ling Lang, cousin Ling Xiaoxiao, and Ling Jia's father Ling Kaiyuan Lingjiao still has a room, but it is said that it has not come back outside..."

"White Yan sister."

The white clothes pulled the sleeves of the white face and looked at her wrongly.

Did Bai Yanjie forget her?

"Oh, yes, there is my sister white clothes, she is my mother's apprentice, and the heir to my choice, I will pass all my things in China to her."

Lingjia does not intend to involve the ancient Wu family, so she only let the white clothes be the heirs, some things... the white dye will make the Ling family very inconvenient.

They represent the country and are two different places from the ancient Wu family.

"Since she is the heir of your choice, then the water house... will let her inherit. From then on, the water house will be changed to the white name, she will be another white house, and I also believe in your vision." Pick your lips and smile.

His voice was very casual, but everyone in the room was stupid.

Wenshan seems to look at the Emperor as a fool.

This man... Want to give the water home a hand? Also need to change the surname? Is it silly?

The water home is not only rich and enemies, but also possesses those forces... enough to level all the ancient martial arts families.

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