However, such a powerful water home, he said to send it?

"White Yan sister..." The white clothes looked at Bai Yan with some panic. "I... I am afraid I don't have this ability."

Her voice is very small, with a hint of cowardice.

"You don't have the ability now, it doesn't mean you don't have it in the future. I will give you a time to grow."

The look of the white clothes is awkward.

Is Bai Yanjie convinced of her ability? Then she... can't let her down.

"I understand, I will work hard, and I will never give Master a shame to you."

At that moment, the clear eyes of the white clothes emerged with a firm radiance and a tone of voice.

"Hey," Bai Yan touched the head of the white clothes. Her smile was mild, but when she looked at Wenshan and others, she became extremely sharp. "Wen Feifei, I said at the time, you ate me." Dan medicine, you must spit it out!"

Wenfeifei stepped back a few steps in panic, her hand clutching Wenshan's sleeves, her eyes filled with horror and sadness.

"What kind of medicine?" Ling Lang turned to look at Bai Yan. "You just said that Wen Feifei stole your medicine? Is it the kind you gave me?"

Bai Yan nodded slightly and his tone was cold: "When I left, I gave some white medicines to the white clothes, but those medicinal herbs were stolen by Wen Feifei, so she would make the body vain, everyone only saw The progress of her cultivation has not been discovered. Her physical condition has been illusory... It is easier for her weaker person to defeat her!"

Therefore, she was only stunned at the time, and the medicinal herbs were chewed and chewed. Remember to eat more.

If it is eaten more, it is like Wenfei Fei.

At this moment, the big bear had already rushed over the people who participated in the door-breaking activities that year, and he did not let go of Chai Yue, and he fell to the front of Wenshan.

Chai Yue hurriedly climbed up from the ground. Today, he did not come to Wenshan to attend the birthday of Ling Kaiyuan. Naturally, he did not know what happened. Her eager eyes looked at Wenshan, and the voice trembled.

"Mountain brother, what happened? Just this man suddenly went to the writer to catch me out. Who is he?"

Wenshan did not look at Chai Yue, his eyes always stared at Wen Feifei, his voice was cold: "Wen Feifei, you tell me, is she really saying what she said? Bai Yu once left the legacy, really The existence of remedies? Are you eating those remedies?"

Wenfeifei bit her whitish lips, not screaming, but her shoulders kept swaying, as if she had suffered a great grievance.

"Mountain brother," Chai Yue panic, "Fifi is usually pampered, but her nature is still good, not those who will steal other people's property, how do you not even believe in your own daughter?"

If it is in the past, Wenshan will be convinced of Chai Yue, but now... because of the existence of the water family, it is easy to deal with their writers, even if his relatives are not helpful.

At this time, why did Bai Yan still lie?

"Wen Feifei, I will ask you the last time, have you deceived me?" Wenshan clenched his fists tightly, his tone with a repressed anger, shouted.

This voice, Wenfei Fei shocked, her tears finally no longer tolerate, slowly flowing from the eyes.

"Mountain brother!"

Chai Yue’s mistakes looked up at Wenshan. Normally Wenshan trusted her words. Why did it become so now?

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