What the **** is this happening? Who is the man who brought her just now?

Her gaze slowly looked around, and when she saw the white face, she paused, and then received it without leaving any traces. The language was soft and soft: "Mountain brother, I don't know if someone else said something to you, please You believe me, I have never been greedy for a penny with you, how can you move the legacy of your ex-wife?"

Perhaps the gentle voice of Chai Yue made Wenshan’s heart shake.

He can not trust Wenfeifei, but how much he paid for him in the past few years, he is not unclear... how can he doubt her?

"Yan Er," Emperor Cang smashed the shoulders of Bai Yan, smirked and smiled. "The people of Tianjia and Fujia, I will take them to the water home later, and I will not let my mother-in-law sacrifice in vain. Now I am Please show me a good show first, can you?"

Bai Yan stunned and turned to look at the Emperor Cang.

When she did not say a word, she was interrupted by a loud voice.

"Chai Yue, you are a wolf-eyed white-eyed wolf! I have been raising you for so long, and I have arranged such a marriage for you. You not only took the opportunity to drive me out of the writer, but also gave me a penny!"

Under the night, a bearded old man rushed in from the door. His eyes were full of anger, and his eyes were like a fire-breathing stare at Chai Yue.


When I saw this old man, Wenshan was shocked on the spot. His lips trembled and could not say a word: "You are... the old housekeeper? Why are you here?"

With a splash, the old housekeeper squatted in front of Wenshan, crying and screaming: "Home, I am sorry for you, in fact, Chai Yue is my illegitimate daughter, I have been kept outside, I quarreled with my mother. The Wen family, I also told her where you are, so that she can appear in front of you smoothly, and you can only drink and mess, and something that should not happen."

His head slammed and slammed, and it was a breakthrough in this quiet ballroom.

The old steward’s words, like the blue sky, made Wenshan’s entire body froze.

At that time, he was disorganized after drinking and had a relationship with Chaiyue. After Chai Yue woke up, he was dying to find death. He always thought that he had done something wrong. Chai Yue was raped by him. To make up for her, he gave it. Her countless money.

However, Chai Yue is too self-respecting and self-love. If he does not accept a penny, he would rather live in the original broken house and return the money he gave her.

Now someone tells him that all of this is designed.

It wasn't that he raped Chai Yue, but Chai Yue took the initiative to find her.

What is the ambiguity of his years?

Ridiculous, it’s ridiculous!

Wenshan squinted, he smiled, smiled and smiled, and finally turned into a ridiculous laughter, echoing under the night sky.

"Mom!" Wenfeifei was crazy and seemed to rush over to Chaiyue, shaking her body desperately. "You tell me, this is not true! You are the most innocent, right? Mom, you are talking." !"

She shouted and shouted, tears streaming down her eyes. Her hands were shaking with her hands next to Chai Yue, and her face was paler than she was.

Chai Yue swallowed hard and looked at the old butler on the ground, closing his eyes slightly.

She knows... everything is over.

At the beginning, she should not read the last trace of the father and daughter, but drive him away, not... let him disappear in this world, and give him the chance to finally bite her!

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