"Homeowner, in front of you, Chai Yue will not ask for anything. She must be more pure than anyone else, but... she has countless money and jewels from my hands. Fortunately, I have left my mind every time. When she gave her money, she asked her to sign the receipt!"

The old butler took a dozen receipts from the pocket and brought it to Wenshan.

After seeing the familiar handwriting on the receipt, Wenshan was shocked. For so many years, she was stunned by a woman!

"Chai Yue, you dare to lie to me, you actually lie to me!"

Wenshan was furious and furious, and the firewood that had fallen to the ground was smashed, and she licked her neck.

"The ridiculous thing is that these years, I was turned by a woman like you."

Before that, the purity of the firewood in his heart is so pure and kind, and there is no desire, but the end is coming, but she pretends to be high, but it is a wave of goods!


Chai Yue’s face rose red, his neck was shackled by Wenshan’s hand, and she could not breathe. She could only look at the man in front of her eyes with prayer.

She hopes that he will see her husband and wife for many years.

However, the man in front of him has no pity in addition to his face and anger.

He had not had much affection for Chai Yue, and that year was just a mess after the drink, otherwise he would not see this woman anyway.

As for later...

It is because he is willing to double her.

Now even the only cockroach has disappeared, and the end of the firewood can be imagined...

Wen Feifei was staring at the picture of Chai Yue being covered by Wenshan's neck. Her eyes were more flustered and she stepped back a few steps. Her mind was thinking about how to get out of this place.

She did not find a way to save the firewood.

At least when the wind was in danger, the first reaction of Scorpio was still rushing over, and Wenfeifei only thought about how to protect herself. Therefore, she is far worse than Scorpio in this respect.


Wenshan finally loosened his hand and threw the firewood on the ground. His foot was stepped on.

At this moment, everyone can hear the sound of rib breaks.

"Oh, because you, the face of the evil is misunderstood to me so deeply, if it is not you, our father and daughter will not reach this level today, all this is your harm!"

This said, it seems that there is no firewood, their father and daughter will be very harmonious.

In fact, when Wenshan gave up Baiyou ten years ago, Bai Yan would never forgive him again!

"Yan Er," Emperor Cang's fingers caressed the white silk, and the red lips slid to her side. He smiled and smiled. His hot breath slaps in the face of Bai Yan. It is very embarrassing. "This scene." How do you look? Going home later, is it time to give some rewards?"

Bai Yanbai looked at Emperor Cang: "Do you find someone?"

"Yes, let them die too easily, and what I want... is to let you suffer the grievances of these years and repay them all."

You are my wife, no one is qualified to make you wrong.

Bai Yan's faint smile, even without Emperor Cang help, he will ... expose the true face of Chai Yue in front of Wenshan.

Let him understand what kind of woman he is beside him these years.

Just don't know, in his heart, there are several layers of regrets...

The white-stained look at Wenshan, who was throwing Chai Yue on the ground and beating, did not feel a sense of pleasure.

Sister, have you seen it? The people who abandoned you in the past have paid the price. Those who have destroyed the white family are also unable to escape. You can rest in peace...

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