Chai Yue desperately fell to the ground, she let Wenshan's punches and kicks all fall, tears blurred her eyes.

Awkward, she laughed.

This laugh has boundless bitterness, and her heart is like swallowing a bitter fruit, suffering in the heart.

In the end, she still lost... lost to a dead person, and ... lost completely.

If you change to white yo... Wenshan is definitely not going to treat her like this, no matter what Baiyou did wrong, he will still forgive her after all!

"Wen Feifei, at that time, your cultivation talent rose, is it because the white medicine left to the white clothes?" Wenshan looked up to Wenfeifei, the fist clenched.

The irony is that before that, he was extremely trustworthy to the mother and daughter of Chai.

Now I understand that he is making a ridiculous mistake.

Wen Feifei was so embarrassed that she couldn’t even say a word. Her beauty was full of panic, and her body could not help but retreat to the back.

Why is she behind the wall, and there is no way to retreat.


Seeing her reaction, Wenshan had already guessed her answer, raising her hand and slamming her face.

When the slap went down, Wenfeifei’s left cheek swollen was very high. She took a sip of blood and a **** tooth was spit out.

Time passed unconsciously. When the wall clock struck twelve times, Wenfeifei’s body suddenly distorted, and the pain fell to the ground like a snake. The whole body was screwed together like a rope.

"It hurts, it hurts... save me, Dad, save me..."

Her sore little face was white, the cold sweat on her forehead rolled down, and she had soaked her clothes in a few moments.

But the instinct of asking for help still made her weakly reach out to Wenshan, tears flowing down her eyes, with pity and prayer in her voice.


In the face of Wen Feifei's so painful appearance, Wenshan has no previous concern. He has a cold face, as if the woman who suffered endless pain in front of him is not his daughter.

"I said, you want to solve this kind of pain, unless you are self-defeating, otherwise, this pain will accompany you for the rest of your life."

Bai Yan looked down at Wenfei Fei and said coldly.

Her words made Wen Feifei's heart more desperate. The pain made her unable to think about any problems, and the painful rolling of the ground, under the night, kept ringing her mourning.

And this heartbreaking cry, so that the other people present were frightened, they looked at Bai Yan's eyes with fear and horror.

"No, I don't want to be a waste, I don't want it!"

Wen Feifei tightly held her arms, her white lips kept shaking, she looked up at Bai Yan, her eyes were full of hatred: "White Yan, this life, the person I hate the most is you! Ming Ming we are Wenshan Daughter, why can you get his love from an early age? I will always stand in the dark and look at your family of three?"

"Now I have only entered the writers before I got my father's concern. Why do you harm me? You want me to be a waste, I don't think I will!"

She used all her strength to shout out these words.

At this moment, Wenfei Fei's eyes are red, like a **** demon, the body is full of violent factors.

Chai Yue stood up from the ground in a difficult way. Her footsteps were awkward, and her heart was like a heavy blow. She closed her eyes with a deep pain.

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