Bai Yan just said... Only Feifei can be used to make her no longer suffer?

"Fifi..." Chai Yue blinked, and she squatted toward Wenfeifei, and her face was full of blood. She couldn’t see the original appearance. "Why... don’t you tell me these things?"

Wen Feifei bit his lip: "I don't want to be a waste! I just walked into today. Why should I be a waste of nothing? I don't want it!"

If it becomes a waste, let alone the writer will not recognize her again, and she will not be able to mix in China in the future.

Just now she has already thought about it. Bai Yan will not kill her. As long as she has strength, she is afraid that she will not live in this society.

How can ordinary people be opponents of an ancient warrior? At that time, she still didn't want what she wanted?

Therefore, she must not be a waste!

Chai Yue trembled and reached out, touching Wen Feifei's face, tears covering her cheeks, the voice trembled: "Fifi, don't blame my mother, after all, you are the world's most important person to me."

She doesn't have much affection for her father. It is also used by Wenshan... As for the writer, it is even less likely to be taken care of by her.

The only thing she cares about is the daughter who was born in October. Otherwise, she will not condone her for so many years and develop her indescribable character.

"What are you going to do? Mom! No, you don't want it!" Wenfeifei's voice was flustered.

In particular, seeing Chai Yue’s hand fell on her Dantian, her heart was even more alarmed.

"You don't want to move my Dantian. Did you hear it? You dare to abolish me, I will hate you forever, I will kill you, I will kill you!"

Chai Yue’s hand trembled, her eyes filled with deep painful tears, and she lifted her hair and looked at Wenfeifei, who kept her body.

At this moment, no one stopped the firewood, even Wenshan did not move, calmly looking at the mother and daughter.

"Fifi, if you go on like this, it will hurt... I would rather you hate me than you die."


The infuriating gas in the hands of Chai Yue is like a line, flowing into the body of Wen Feifei.

With this moment, Wenfeifei clearly heard the broken sound of Dantian. Her original angry eyes suddenly tightened, and the heartbeat sounded fierce.

Is she abandoned?

Still being scrapped by my own mother?


Why is she going to sever her life?

"Do not!!!"

The disappearance of the body's severe pain, Wenfeifei had enough strength, her two hands clasped her head tightly, and the shouting of the heartbreaking lungs rang through the night sky, for a long time...

Chai Yue also seems to have exhausted all the power, and the weak squat sits on the ground.

Her strength is not as good as Wenfei Fei, but because Wen Feifei just hurt the extreme, can not resist, which made her succeed.

But now I can see the appearance of Wenfeifei’s collapse. Her heart is also painful and tearing, and she wants to touch Wenfeifei’s head...


Wen Feifei raised his hand and slapped the hand of Chai Yue, madly rushing toward Chai Yue.

She is like a hungry wolf that has been a long time, and her eyes are fierce and crazy.

"I am your biological daughter, but you have forfeited me. No wonder my dad doesn't want you. You are a vicious woman, and you won't want you!"

After giving an attitude to Wenshan, Chai Yue had already experienced what it was. She did not expect these words of Wenfeifei, but also made her heart fall into the hail, cold biting.

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