Spirit world.

Under a vast starry sky, the ground is like a blood red color, and there is a strange silence and murder everywhere.

In the shrine, a few old people walked back and forth uneasy, their eyes were anxious, and their eyes were full of contemplation.

"Is God really not willing to come back?" Xuan Zun's eyebrows are light and heavy, and none of them have thought about it. Over the years, Yun Ruo will be a lie to them.

And this lie, not only destroyed the shrine, but also the gods!

"We have made so many mistakes, how can God forgive us?" Huang Xin sneered. "Now our shrine is facing such a great danger. God has never looked at us again, and we can sign up for the amulet. Was ruined by Ling Zun!"

For a moment, everyone’s eyes were gathered on Ling Zun’s body.

Under the gaze, Ling Zun’s face was awkward, and he knew that it was all because of his fault, so the anger could only lie on his chest and could not be vented.

"Our shrine has become scattered, you will say less," Xuan Zun frowned. "The disappearance of Bai Yan on the day, the chaos of the demon world, let us have a chance to escape, I thought we could escape." A robbery, who thought of not knowing where to rush a crazy girl, killing too many people in the realm, our shrine can not ignore this matter."

"But... If we leave the shrine, the people in the demon world will slow down to deal with us, what should we do?" Huang Xin's face changed awkwardly.

He always felt that once he left the shrine, there was no sense of security. Perhaps those in the demon world returned to encircle them.

"The monsters of the demon city have all withdrawn from the demon world. Moreover, Bai Yan and Emperor Cang are no longer here, and their power is reduced a lot. As long as we do not specifically find the trouble of the demon world, basically do not have to worry too much."

This time, Xuan Zun was really scared. They would have been difficult to win with an Emperor Cang. Later, the strength of Bai Yan was so fast.

In addition, Bai Yan is the Lord of the Heavens, so that they really do not have the courage to continue fighting the demon world.

What's more, if you want to resist the robbery, only Bai Yan can do it.

For the sake of the gods, they can no longer revenge as much as before. As long as the demon world does not continue to find trouble, then they are also willing to seek peace.

The irony is that at this moment, the people of the Jingu Palace did not think about it. They want to ask and, is the demon world willing?

Their hatred of the shrine is no longer a god! Even if the gods put their gestures low, they can't smooth the pain and pain in the heart!


The disappearance of Bai Yan and Bai Xiaochen out of thin air made the demon world chaos, and there was no time to pay attention to these people in the Jingu.

Not letting them go!

Ling Zun suddenly stood up and walked toward the door.

"Ling Zun, where are you going?" Xuan Zun frowned.

Ling Zun's footsteps, a sinister saying: "You are timid, I am not afraid, so many powerful people in the realm have been slaughtered, and it is also the loss of our gods, I can't care!"

After saying this, his figure flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

Xuan Zun and Huang Xin and others indulged in a half-sound, and also chased up.

Since the demon people didn't kill the shrine... that means they don't have time to meet them now, so there is nothing terrible when they go out.

They can't sit and watch the gods being slaughtered.

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