In a city not far from the shrine, countless strong people surround a little girl.

The little girl flew in the void, a long hair dancing in the wind, holding a spear in her hand, enchantingly watching the many powerful people who surrounded her.

"Kill her!"

One of the strong men's face sank, and the cold voice ordered, and immediately, everyone swarmed and rushed toward the little girl.

The blood color spread under the night sky, and the little girl's enchanting is more indifferent.

The little girl looked at the strong men who rushed to her, her red light flashing, with bloodthirsty anger.

"Return my brother and my brother to me, you will bring them back!"

These people in the realm of the gods have harmed them again and again. Nowadays, the more **** mother and the elder brother are gone, maybe... never come back again...

At the thought of this, the little girl’s eyes were full of madness, and there was a word in her heart: "Death!"

Those who have harmed the goddess and the gods of the Prince’s brother, **** it!

Those people haven't reacted to what happened, and they saw that the little girl's robes flew up. She was like a demon, and the enchanting scorpion was like a powerful force, and it blew up.

The person who rushed to the front did not react. He was blown out under the attack of the little girl, and the mouth spit blood.

The fearless and powerful people shouted a few steps toward the rear, and looked at the little girl who looked cute and cute with fear.

"I am still a mother, my brother, my brother!"

The voice of the little girl was filled with waves of anger, and slowly approached those people. Every time she approached, everyone felt extremely difficult to breathe, as if one hand had caught their neck and let them breathe. .

This... how is this possible? The other party is just a little girl?

Just as everyone panicked, the little girl stopped.

But... her attack is not over.

A scream of the dragon and the earth shook, and the whole ground was shaking. Everyone saw only a circle of power raided, and a slamming slammed them on their chests.

At this moment, they all have the feeling that the ribs are crushed, and they do not want to live.


Somewhere in the mountains of the gods.

A small stream, every day, I don’t know what’s going on in the outside world. I just care about stuffing the fruit into my mouth, and the whole mouth is bulging.

Xiao Linger was originally very sullen because he was secretly taken out by the elders, but it didn't take long for him to play with the water dragon that was being injured in the stream, and occasionally gave a giggling laugh.

He rubbed his hands on his back and stood on the little Linger. He heard the crisp laughter of Xiao Linger, and the cold corner of his mouth could not help but rise.

Since the Queen left, the king sent his soul to another world in order to pursue the queen, but he had to go back to the demon world to go to another world, so the demon people temporarily evacuated the realm.

But he automatically asked me to take care of the little princess and the little prince.

In order not to let the little princess know the news of the disappearance of the queen and the king, they have been glaring at them, and they are not allowed to go back to the demon world, and this place is extremely safe, so let her stay here for the time being.

Not far away, the elders caressed the beard, smiled and looked at the little Linger and every day, just thinking that Bai Yan and Emperor Cang still did not return, his heart was full of sorrow.

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