
The man in the lead looked at the bottom of his eyes. He couldn’t care about the girl’s entanglement. He turned and wanted to escape from the place. ◢随*梦*小◢.1a

However, he had not waited a few steps away, and a burning flame came behind him, igniting his entire body in an instant.

This piece of city, turned into a human purgatory, Xiong Lie's flame burning the entire city, those in the city, also can not escape.

Fortunately, those ordinary residents have already withdrawn from the city, and only those who are reserved in the realm of the gods are reserved.

But the little girl at this time has completely lost her sense of reason. In addition to her anger and killing in her mind, there is nothing else...


Therefore, when Ling Zun and others came, they saw the girl standing in the middle of the city.

She is surrounded by fire, and countless gods and powerful men mourn on the ground, and extend a helping hand in the direction of Ling Zun and others...

Just not waiting for Ling Zun and others to go to the rescue, those people will then burn out under the fire.

The people who looked at the realm of the gods died in front of their eyes. Ling Zun’s chest angered and rushed out. The fierce nephew stared at the little girl in the red Confucian skirt, and there was a wave of anger in the eyes. ..

"Little girl, our gods and you have no enmity, why do you want to kill my gods strong?" Xuan Zun endured anger and asked.

This crazy girl killed a lot of their masters in the realm of the world, before it was not taboo, the demon world will suddenly come back, they have already shot! Will not endure now.

"You **** it!"

The people of the gods, all **** it!

"You..." Ling Zun was so angry that he slammed out the long sword and pulled out a powerful sword in the air, such as the thunder and lightning, and attacked the little girl.

The little girl did not hide, she was bathed in blood, and slowly walked into Ling Zun and others.


The sword wind fell on the little girl's body, leaving a scar on her shoulder, blood flowing from the scar, making her red dress more red.

"Ling Zun, this little girl seems to be a bit wrong..." Xuan Zun gaze at the little girl, her heart suddenly jumped. "Her she seems to be... completely crazy?"

Not only that, but he felt grief from the little girl, as if he had no meaning for this life, and he was no longer afraid of death.

"not good!"

Thinking of this, Xuan Zun’s face changed a lot and said in a hurry, “This girl does not know how to escape the fire, but wants to go with us!”

With the same?

These four words fell, and even Ling Zun’s eyelids jumped. He saw that the little girl was getting closer and closer, but he couldn’t manage that much. He hurriedly waved his sword, and countless swords like a machete seemed to be seen. The little girl's body.

I don't know when, she is already ragged, and her skin is fleshy and bloody.

But she can't feel the pain at all...

Yes, for her now, all the pain and feelings have disappeared. She has not even avoided the attack of Ling Zun. The anger filled with enchanting seems to be burning.

She has a raging fire on her body, which is like being brought out of **** by her. The burning can bake people into ash.

"Ling Zun, don't let her approach us!"

Xuan Zun was shocked and hurriedly shouted.

Even if the little girl didn't approach him now, he could feel the anger of her, let him panic, and he was afraid, and he stepped back involuntarily.

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