The attack on Ling Zun’s hand did not stop, but the little girl attacked them in front of them, and then stopped.

The flame is like a fire dragon, and it makes a terrifying dragon whistle, and slams into Ling Zun and others. {又}{梦} щ{][lā}


Huang Xinyi gritted his teeth and didn't want to entangle with this girl again. He turned back and headed for the direction of the shrine.

When did the demon world come out with a strong one? Why were they not clear before? I just don’t know if this girl has any deep hatred and hatred in the realm of God.

When I saw Huang Xin’s departure, the other honors no longer hesitated and turned away.

One of the sages ran slower, and the fire dragon instantly climbed onto his body, and the flame slammed and burned. At this moment, everyone could hear the screaming screams under the night.

When Xuan Zun turned back, he saw the horrible appearance of the sage, and his sweat did not flow down.

In this case, they can't save people anymore, and they can only quickly escape in the direction of the shrine.

Xiao Longer did not stop and chased the past to those who fled, but she did not catch up with a few steps, one hand held her shoulder, she immediately turned back, and immediately attacked with the flame of the palm of the hand.

boom! ..

The elders did not respond, and they received the hand of Xiao Longer. His eyes were astonished and his body was back a few steps.

Fortunately, he just reacted too fast, otherwise... this palm must have his half life.

"Dragon Princess, what's wrong with you?"

He looked at the scars of Xiaolong's body, and then looked at the breaths that fled not far away, and his eyes were deep: "Is it true that the people of the Jingu Palace did to you?"

Xiao Longer ignored the great elders and looked back at the surviving shrines.

"You can't go!" The elder's face changed, and he quickly stood up and pulled the hand of Xiaolonger. "You have been hurt and overdrafted. If you go... I am afraid I will lose my life." ”

The irony is that in Xiao Longer’s mind, life is nothing, she didn’t want to live anymore, so she will not live alone after the gods are destroyed by her!

"Go away!"

Seeing that the old man always pulled her away from her, Xiaolonger was angry, and she slammed, and her body broke out with a powerful force, which directly took the big elders back a few steps.

The elders’ horror looked up. When did the strength of this little dragon become so powerful?


He saw it, Xiao Longer has gone into flames, she is overdrafting her own life! If you continue, I am afraid that life is really worrying...

Fortunately, although Xiao Longer lost his senses, the great elders were good devils. The smell of his body affected Xiaolonger, and he did not let Xiaolonger kill him.

If you switch to any human, maybe she has already smashed her hand.

Seeing Xiaolonger is about to leave, the big elder face is changing again, flying fast forward, and dragging Xiaolonger tightly: "Dragon Princess, you really can't go, those in the Jingmen Palace will deal with you, you can't deal with them. Overdraw your own life, you will die! If you are dead, how sad is your mother and prince?"

The words of the mother and the prince, let Xiaolonger want to slam the palm of the elder's hand and stagnate...

Her breath was a little bit rushed, and the anger in the enchanting was even worse.

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