"Those people killed the mother and the elder brother, the people of the gods killed them, they all damn, I am going to kill them to revenge for the mother, ah!"

Xiaolong’s heart seemed to be torn apart. The sound of the dragon’s whistling sound filled with sorrow and the pain and pain in her heart. ~With~dream~small~say~щ~~lā

She held her head tightly, and the painful tears flowed from the enchanting, and the **** body curled up into a ball, and the voice was mournful.

The elders angered in the heart, not knowing what the people of the world had said to Xiaolong, and made Xiaolonger so crazy.


No matter what they did, wait for the king and the queen to come back. The first one to crusade is the shrine!

Therefore, it is no problem to keep them a few days away. He can't let Xiaolonger go to the people in the shrine. Otherwise, it will be a worry for Xiaolong to continue.

Perhaps it was for fear that Xiaolonger would run away. The elders hugged the small body of this little girl tightly, caressing her head and trying to comfort her emotions.

"I am so painful, my mother is no longer, my elder brother is no longer, why should I stay alone with me? I am really suffering... they are damn, everyone should die!"

At first, when I heard the words in front, the elders thought that Xiaolonger gradually recovered his senses. It can be seen that her eyes seemed to be able to swallow the madness of the heavens and the earth, and she knew that she still could not recover her mind.

"Dragon Princess, the Queen is not dead, the Prince is not dead... You are like this, will they feel bad when they see it?"

"Get out of the way, liar, you liar!"

Xiaolonger angered the elders, and the little face full of tears was full of anger: "They are not there, I feel that they don't exist in this place... I used to be far away, I can feel it. To her, now she has completely disappeared! I am going to take revenge, I have to avenge my mother, you let me go!"

The elders didn't let Xiaolonger push him away. His mouth was bitter. He didn't know how to make Xiaolonger believe his words...

Unless the queen returns?

Is this possible? It didn't take long for the queen to leave. I am afraid that I would not return to the realm so soon. If I could not appease the emotions of Xiaolonger before, the queen could no longer recover after returning.

Suddenly, in the sky, a light spot gradually appeared, and like the sun, the dark clouds of the sky were dispelled.

The elder elder Xu was aware of something and slowly raised his head...

At that moment, the light spots on the sky were getting bigger and bigger, and they were getting closer and closer, and soon they suddenly appeared in front of them.

The eyes of the elders also suddenly expanded, and looked at the light spots in the sky with surprise.

Two people are slowly falling from the sky.

One big and one small, but extremely harmonious.

Among them, the woman's blue silk is like a waterfall, and she is absolutely beautiful, but she does not lose her cold and domineering.

She has a beautiful little boy in her hand. The little boy is as delicate as a porcelain doll. The pink and jade is more perfect than the fairy on the day.

The elder's body trembled and the surprise spread over his old face.

Perhaps because it is too ecstatic, he can't even say a word........

The sorrow of Xiao Longer stopped short.

Her back was stiff, and the enchanting eyes were filled with tears. I don't know if she felt anything. She turned her head slowly and looked at the eyes of the elders.

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