In an instant, the two figures that made her think day and night, almost maddening... it was presented in her enchanting. ◢随*梦*小◢.1a

Tears into the river, covering her lovely and exquisite face, the original madness that swallowed the world, disappeared after seeing the familiar face of the woman...

"Little Dragon?"

Bai Yangang returned to the realm of the gods, but suddenly looked like the little girl lying on the ground, she was shocked, and quickly walked toward the little girl.

"What happened? Who hurt you like this?"

Xiaolong’s tears couldn’t stop flowing, and she suddenly stood up, rushing to Baiyan, and slammed into her arms.

Her two hands, holding the waist of the white face tightly, hold it very hard, for fear of letting go... The woman in front of me will drift away like a white mist.

"Little Dragon, tell me, what happened?"

Bai Yan caressed the back of Xiao Longer, but the bottom of his eyes was chilly.

She did not leave for a while, and Xiaolonger was actually hurt by people. I don’t have to think about it, it must be the people of the realm.

"Wow, wow!"

Under the soft pacification of Bai Yan, Xiao Longer finally couldn’t control his emotions, and the collapsed cry began.

She misses her...

Really think about it.

Perhaps, Xiao Longer did not know that, since Bai Yan extended a helping hand to her, since then, she has become her life's concern, and the most unwilling to give up in her life.

If there is no white face in this world, then she loses the motivation to work hard. It is better to avenge her, and then go to heaven and **** to accompany her.

"They told me that you and your elder brother are dead... Hey, I don't want you to die, I don't want it!"

Xiao Longer’s shoulders trembled and cried aloud. ..

In her tearful eyes, she had no previous bloodthirsty madness, but she had already recovered her original clarity.

Seeing that Xiao Longer’s reason reappears, the elders who have been worried about it are gradually relieved...

Fortunately, fortunately, the queen is back. If she comes back later, even if Xiaolong is not with the same people, she will be completely ruined and can no longer be saved.

Bai Xiaochen clenched his fists tightly. His eyes looked at the wounds of Xiaolong's body, his heart raging and his eyes were cold.

Seeing that Xiao Longer was injured, he has a very uncomfortable discomfort.

Those who hurt her, all damn!

"Dragon, I will not die, the morning will not die, we will never leave you."

Not only did those people hurt Longer, but also told Longer that she was dead?

With Longer’s mentality, how can I bear this kind of bad news?

With this alone... she will never let go of those in the realm of God.

"Really?" Xiaolonger finally left his head and left his chest, and looked up at Bai Yan. "Isn't you married me? You will never leave?"

She is really scared.

When she learned that Bai Yan and Bai Xiaochen had disappeared, and she could no longer feel the breath of heaven and earth, no one could know the panic in her heart.

This feeling, she can not afford the second time.

Bai Yan’s hand trembled and looked at Xiao Long’s appearance. Her heart seemed to be torn apart by one hand, and the pain was unbearable.


She took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the feeling. The corner of her mouth ignited a curve: "When did the girl kiss you? Now you can take the remedy to recover the injury?"

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