"Yes, I have to leave this place, little guys, I believe, we will definitely see you next time."

The dragon's eyes are filled with smiles. His eyes are very gentle, turning his head to look at the little Linger riding on his head.

The little Linger holds the head of the water dragon tightly: "Grandpa Grandpa, I will miss you."

"Haha," said the water dragon, haha. "You help me and Bai Ning swear goodbye, and we will leave."

After saying this, the water dragon broke through the pool and quickly rushed to the blue sky.

He glared at the little linger on the blue sky before he fell to the ground, and carefully put her down, and then flew again...

And just as he rushed to the sky again, the original blue sky made a hole, and it seemed that one hand had torn the void, and his body gradually disappeared into the void...

"Where is Grandpa Shuilong going?" Every day, looking at the direction of the disappearance of the water dragon, he asked, "Why is he different from us..."

He shook his head, and he really didn't understand what happened. He didn't think too much.

After all, with his little head, I can’t think of too many things...

"Uncle Uncle," Xiaolinger screamed with big eyes, and asked with a milky voice. "Grandpa Grandpa is gone, then when do we go home? I want to be a mother..."

She pulled her finger and her eyes were full of grievances.

Counting, she hasn't seen her mother for a long time...

I miss her very much.

One by one, the low-pitched and half-sounded, said: "The queen has temporarily gone to a farther place, and the Princess should not be too anxious, and soon she will return..."

"Why cann't the mother kiss the Linger?" Xiaoling's little face powder was tooted, and looked pitifully. "Linger is very embarrassed, and will not mess with the mother and the big brother. It would be nice if you could bring Linger."

As long as she can stay with her mother, she will be satisfied.

"Princess, the queen is going to do things. If she returns, we will receive a notice. At that time, I will take you to the Queen, can you?"

I never thought that he would have such patience with a child, but facing the pink and tender little loli in front of him, even if it is a character who is cold, he does not feel a touch of softness.

Xiao Linger squatted down and sat by the pool, no longer talking, but anyone could detect the emotions in her heart.

In any case, Xiao Linger is only a two-year-old child. When her mother is in an attachment period, Bai Yan has left her for so long. Even if she starts to have a good temper, she will eventually feel emotional.

Just good education makes her not vent her emotions, only to stay in my heart.

"The emperor, what are you doing?"

I saw it and saw that the arms of my day were full of bright red fruits. This fruit looks good and tastes delicious.

However, holding this pile of fruit every day is very difficult, and it is also snoring when you walk.

"This is what I left for my mother. The fruit here is so delicious. It is more delicious than the one on the Tianshan Mountain. The mother will definitely like it."

The corner of the mouth rose, and from the beginning of this place, he discovered the special features of these fruits.

Not only delicious, but also increase the infuriating body, but this fruit is not very useful for the beast, so... eating so many fruits every day, it only enhances a little strength. <>

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