However, human beings are different...

If you give the queen, you can improve her strength.

"I have a storage bag here, I will give it to you. If you have anything to give to the Queen, you can put it in the storage bag."

I solved the storage bag at the waist and threw it to me every day, so that he would not be able to hold a lot of fruit.

Every day I looked at the storage bag that I had lost in front of me, scratching my head: "What is the storage bag? Is the bag so small, can it be loaded?"

"Yes, I teach you how to use..."

Although every day and Linger are the princesses and princes of the demon world, but because they do not carry a lot of things with them, they do not prepare storage bags for them. Therefore, they will not know the effect of the storage bags every day.

For these two children, they loved their hearts and they didn’t want to worry about it. Not only did they throw the storage bag to him, but the contents were not taken out...


At the same time, at the other end of the realm of the gods, several of the sages headed by Ling Zun quickly fled toward the front, like a dog of a family, and were embarrassed.

"The girl didn't chase it."

Xuan Zun stopped his footsteps and wiped the sweat on his forehead: "I don't know what the road is, why do you hate such a big hatred for our shrine?"

"What do we do now? Go back to the shrine?"

Huang Xin frowned, and the crazy girl would definitely go to the shrine to find them. If they go back to the shrine, I am afraid... will be hit by the hoe.

The shrine is no longer going back.

"No, we can't go back!" Ling Zun tightly held his fist. His eyes were full of anger and remorse. "Now our shrine is no longer an opponent of the demon world! Even if Emperor Cang and Bai Yan are no longer this place, It is no longer safe."

At this moment, these gods who once stood tall and made everyone fear and fear have fallen to the point where they can't return home.

Ling Zun did not expect that he would one day become a dog of funeral, and his heart was more deeply hated by Yun Ruo.

If not her, how could they be so miserable? It will not be before the millennium... It’s the right thing to do, and let the gods leave the shrine since then, and the millennium will not return!

"Or do we... ask for peace?" Another Sayādaw said weakly, "The robbers are coming, the devil's hands are definitely not enough. Our gods and the demon world will join hands, maybe even resisting Robbery."

Although other people also recognize the idea of ​​the Supreme, no one dares to go to the demon world to seek peace.

Those monsters are the ones who are heartless and detested. They would rather destroy everything, and they will not necessarily agree to the requirements of the realm...

"We first find a place to hide, let the demon world can not find us, and then from the long-term discussion, relying on Bai Yan, I am afraid it will not work." Xuan Zun sighed.

Thousands of years ago, they preferred Bai Yan. If they had misunderstood those remarks, they would not make such a big mistake.

If you know that Bai Yan is the Lord of the Sky, there will not be so many things...

"Ha ha."

Awkward, a low laugh came down from the void.

This laughter is like a magic sound, which makes people in the place froze.

Ling looked up incredulously and looked at the woman who walked slowly down the ruptured void.

The woman was dressed in a cyan dress with a white gauze on her face. It looked very mysterious, but her laughter was so familiar, familiar enough to make everyone's heart tremble.

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