Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1590: Guoshi and Emperor Xiaoyun (4)

The white fox swallowed the medicinal herbs, and his eyes were still full of pitiful colors, but she was able to stand up, but she would fall if she didn't take two steps.

After Emperor Xiaoyun wanted to save her, he left and saw the fox look like this. He was silent for a while and said: "I can take you back to my house, but... you must leave after raising the wound."

After that, she will help her once again when she looks at her family.

Thinking of this, Emperor Xiaoyun squatted and hugged the white fox and went in the direction of the demon palace.

She just walked into the demon palace with the white fox, and ran into the national teacher on the head. The words of the national teacher appeared in her mind, and the cheeks became hot again. Therefore, she ignored the national teacher and wanted to leave sideways.


Behind him came the gentle voice of the national teacher, which made the emperor Xiaoyun feel stiff and turned his back to the man behind him: "National teacher, do you call me something?"

The national teacher was helpless and smiled. He went to the front of Emperor Xiaoyun and asked, "Are you hiding from me?"


The dawn of Emperor Xiaoyun flashed a few times, subconsciously licking his head, not looking directly at the eyes of the national teacher: "I don't."

"You don't have to hide from me. I just don't want to continue to look at you behind you. I will show you your heart. If you accept, I will ask the king to decree, let you marry me, you don't agree... I also Will continue to protect you forever."

The teacher’s lips are rising and the voice is soft.

"That..." Emperor Xiaoyun bit his lip. "Can you let me think about it?"

"Ok, I will wait for you."

The national teacher smiled softly, and the beauty was like a fairy. His dawn slowly turned down and swept the white fox in the arms of Emperor Xiaoyun. The original gentle dawn suddenly sank: "This fox is..."

"I was on the mountain, she was injured, and... as if she hadn't repaired it, I would bring her back to raise her wounds." Di Xiaoyun looked down at the white fox in his arms, and his voice was crisp.

“Can you give her to me?” Guo Shi’s eyes narrowed. “I will help you take care of this fox.”

Emperor Xiaoyun didn't think much about other things, not to mention her brain, and I couldn't think of too many things.

Therefore, she directly threw the white fox to the national division.

"I don't care much about others, so let you take care of her."

After the national teacher showed his heart, Emperor Xiaoyun did not know how to face him. More importantly, as soon as she saw the national teacher, she thought of his words, and her heart could not control her beating.

Therefore, after throwing the fox to the national division, she hurried away.

The national teacher looked at the direction in which Xiao Xiaoyun left, silently smiled and immediately looked down at the white fox.

When the white fox didn't see it, there was a question in his eyes.

This fox is not only a monster of the demon world, but also an unknown identity. He must never leave such danger in the small cloud, and Xiaoyun is kind and he will not stop her kindness, provided that he must find out for her. The identity of this fox.

During this time, he was in charge of the fox...

The white fox swallowed twice, and the poor look made it so many people would look at it.

It’s just that she looks in the direction of the departure of Emperor Xiaoyun, but with a little stranger that she can’t understand...

The national teacher always observed this white fox, and naturally found the strangeness of its eyes, suddenly, his eyes were cold, and the bottom of his eyes flicked through even the coldness...<>

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