The next day.

In the morning light, the emperor Xiaoyun stood outside the door, and she bit her lip. After all, she was still in the heart of the house.

"National division, I thought about it yesterday, I think we are still..."

Get along with each other and make a decision.

Daddy, Emperor Xiaoyun stopped, she stared at the beautiful big eyes, looking at the stunning woman who came out of the room of the National Teacher.

This woman has long hair and long hair, her face is soft and feminine, her weak willow winds, like a real fairy, the faint mourning between the eyebrows is also like the autumn wind.

Emperor Xiaoyun’s hands on both sides did not consciously tighten, and she did not know what it felt like in her heart, anger, disappointment... or even the acidity she had not found.

"Princess," the woman saw the emperor Xiaoyun standing at the door, a weak smile, and bent down and gave a gift. "The slaves see the Princess."

Emperor Xiaoyun’s face is extremely ugly: “Have you slept in the room of the National Teacher last night?”

"Yes." The smile of the woman's money, the tone is not polite, but her eyebrows still have a weak color.

Such a woman, afraid that no man will not be tempted.

Emperor Xiaoyun licked his lips. At this moment, her mind was blank and she turned to leave the residence of the National Teacher.

It’s just that she just turned around, and I don’t know when there was a wall of people behind her. Her head slammed into it and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, one hand reached out very quickly, grabbed the arm of Emperor Xiaoyun, and forced her into the arms to avoid letting her fall.

"Princess, why did you come and go? Yesterday you said to give me an answer, then the answer... How?" The National Teacher did not look at the woman in front, his attention was on the body of Emperor Xiaoyun. The smile on the lips is gentle and windy.

Emperor Xiaoyun snorted: "There are so many women in the demon world who like you, I also helped them to hook you up. You are not close to them every time. Yesterday, I suddenly expressed my confession. I thought you rejected so many women. Really for me... I didn’t expect you to have a gold house, and want me to marry you?"

It is estimated that even the Emperor Xiaoyun did not find out. When she said this, her tone was sour and vinegar. The beautiful big eyes were even more sinister.

Guo teacher's brow wrinkles: "Princess, what do you mean by this?"

"You have a bed with this woman, what do you mean by me?" Emperor Xiaoyun’s teeth and teeth were even more angry on the instep of the national teacher’s instep. "I tell you, my emperor." Xiaoyun will not plead with him and serve others."

She is a demon princess, and she will never ask for it. Her arrogance does not allow her to do so.

The national teacher sighed with a painful sigh, and his face sank slightly. He turned to the stunning woman, and asked coldly: "Where did you sleep in my room? Who allowed you to enter my room?"

The woman looked at the teacher in surprise and lowered her head. The voice was weak: "I... I don't know that it is the room of the son."

"I let the next person arrange a place for you, why don't you live?"

The national teacher's breath is colder, and the tone is not as gentle as ever.

The woman was scared and stunned. Her weak and flatter face was horrified, and the helpless appearance was particularly lovable.

"The slaves really don't know. The princess rescued the slaves yesterday. The son took the slaves from the princess and let the next person arrange the residence. But... the place is too cold, and the slaves are not used to it. I took a break from the place."

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