Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1597: Xuan Zun's decision (3)


Xiaolonger nervously held his little hand and looked at the two little guys in front of him with the look of expectation.

She tried to reach out and squeeze their cute faces several times, but I thought the two dolls were so cute, what should I do if I was hurt by her? So, hesitated a few times and did not dare to reach out.

"Long sister is good."

Xiao Linger greeted the courtesy with a polite smile.

Every day I stared at Xiaolinger for a long time, and my face turned to Bai Yan: "Mother and mother, why is the name of my sister different from us? And... my sister looks so good."

Although Xiao Longer's appearance is not white, but it is still very delicate, not to mention that Xiao Longer is not before, has opened a lot, but also revealed her beautiful appearance.

"Mother Kiss..." Xiaolonger asked, "Can I touch them? It's so cute, but... will I accidentally break them?"

Bai Yan's face is black: "They are not dolls. How can they be easily broken by you? You can feel free to touch, there will be nothing."

"it is good."

Xiaolonger smiled brightly, and she carefully extended her hand, and her cold fingers touched the face of Xiaolinger, and she stopped.

Her eyes glowed, and the emotions in her heart began to linger, and the heart jumped out of her chest.

"I... I touched it." Xiaolonger was very excited.

When she was in the Dragon family, she only had one sister and no sister. Even if she had it, she might not let her touch. Now, she has her own sister, and... still cute and pink.

Little Linger squinted with big eyes and looked at Xiaolonger with curiosity.

She Xu thinks that this sister is very strange, obviously wants to touch her, why dare to touch her slightly?

After Xiao Longer touched Xiao Linger, he carefully touched his hand to the small head of the day.

Because she was too excited, her hands were shaking and she was full of joy.

These two younger siblings are really too soft, she likes it very much... For such a lovely younger brother and sister, let her give everything, she is willing.

"Dragon sister, can you hug Linger?"

Xiao Linger opened her arms and smiled brightly. Her eyes were full of innocence and looked at Xiao Longer with her expectation.

"it is good."

Xiao Longer finally got the courage, squatted down and took Linger up.

In her arms, Linger giggled, her voice was crisp and moving, as good as a ringtone.

Aside from the appearance of Bai Yan, he never said it, and he was always silent.

However, the words that Xiao Linger just said also attracted his attention to the past...

The princess is not the queen's daughter. She is a young man at a young age. She knew from the very beginning that Xiaolonger wanted to hug her and did not dare to act. She only made this statement.

Such a wise and intelligent girl... Why did Yun want to hurt her when she tried to exhaust her way?

"It's not early, let's go."

Bai Yan looked at the four children behind him and smiled mildly: "Morning, they will be handed over to you for care. You are optimistic about them."

"Mother, my morning knows."

When Xiaolonger put Linger down in his arms, Bai Xiaochen grabbed Xiaolinger and grabbed Xiaolonger’s hand in one hand and looked back at heaven: “Every day, you keep up.”

Recommended reading: Tianshen potato big **** new book "Yuan Zun", the new work of the cat"

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