
Every day, I nodded desperately, and the fart was followed by Bai Xiaochen. He did not walk in the morning, so he did not do enough to be left far away by Bai Xiaochen.

This time, there is no opinion every day. Who makes him a man? Linger and Long Sister are both girls, and they need their brothers to take care of them.

As a man, he can't be as big as a girl, so it's enough to walk on his own.


The other end of the gods.

Within a cave, several old men sat around the campfire, silent, and there was no sound in the entire cave.

"You have heard about those things in the realm of the gods. Bai Yan forced us to appear. Otherwise, we will not let go of the shrine. Have we arrived today, and we have already reached a strange road?"

Huang Xin smiled with a sorrow in his eyes.

They are the strongest who used to be high, and now they are not enough to kill the dog, but they are forced to a desperate situation.

"Or... we look for the cloud..."

The other god's words have not yet fallen, Ling Zun was so angry that he slammed into the rock wall of the cave: "Shut up! Who made me so bad, you have forgotten it? I will never If the cloud is cherished, it will be confusing."

How big is hope, how big is disappointment, he has paid too much for Yun Ruo, and in order to save the cloud, he has made his life almost out of the way, but he can suffer such deception and treatment in the end. How can he forgive? she was?

Even if he is really escaping, he will never be in the same league with the woman! Even more, he didn't want to see her once!

"The time of half a month is coming soon. We have worked hard for so many years, all for the realm of the gods. This time, even for the sake of the gods, I must see Bai Yan."

Xuan Zun stood up slowly, holding his fist tightly and taking a deep breath and said.

"Xuan Zun, do you think that we have done so many things for Bai Yan, she really will forgive us for not?"

Huang Xin’s helpless smile.

Before they dared to talk with the demon world, just staring at Yun Ruo as the person who resisted the robbery, they thought that Emperor Cang and Bai Yan would care for the demon world, so they gave them the opportunity.

Now... without this identity as a qualification for negotiation, what other power do they have to make them forget hatred?

"No matter what, I have to try it. This thing is going to be with me and Ling Zun. You will continue to wait for us here." Xuan Zun's eyes are firm.

Huang Xinyi, hurriedly said: "You really want to go? I think we should first recharge our batteries and make future resolutions."

"No, I can't wait until then. If I and Ling Zun paid their lives, let Bai Yan have a pity on the realm of the gods, and then protect the gods in the future, then we are dead."

Xuan Zun waved his sleeves, and there was a big man who had no time to return.

Then, under the eyes of others, slowly walked out of the cave.

Ling Zun sighed for a long time. He looked at the direction in which Xuan Zun left, and he followed him out. He stopped talking from beginning to end.

"You said... Ling Zun can they accept the white face and let go of hatred?" The one who had spoken before said weakly, and all eyes were enemies.

Huang Xin sank his eyebrows: "They have made a **** decision. In the past, it was Ling Zun who injured Bai Yan, and Ling Zun who killed her child. If Ling Zun is no longer, maybe he can let go of hatred... ... As for why Xuan Zun wants to follow, Ling Zun’s temper also knows that he is afraid that he will intensify contradictions again and will not pay for it."

Obviously, the two men went, maybe... they can't come back anymore.

But only in this way can Bai Yan put down hatred and help the gods to resist the robbery.

Recommended reading: Tianshen potato big **** new book "Yuan Zun", the new work of the cat"

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