It is also the gentleness of this time that makes Xuelian deep and inward, unable to extricate itself...

"Cousin, is it true that I am a daughter of the Snow House? It is not my fault to be born strong. My appearance is also given by my mother... Why can I always attract some shameless men to entangle me, I just want to I want to be with you, even if I let the name of Miss Xuejia, and this face with me..."

Xuelian’s hand touched her face and smiled bitterly: “As long as the day is not entangled with me, let me give up what I want.”

The men of the past, at least there are still shackles, but this is white, but it is sly.

How can she not worry?

"Lian Er, I think that Bai Yu should come to Xuejia should be premeditated," Wen Yiguang flashed, and his mouth smirked a smile. "In the snow house, except for Chitose, the most precious is the god. Dan, maybe... he will steal the gods in the next step."

Xuelian snorted and shook his head. "How is it possible? White can't climb even crawling, how can I steal Tianshen Dan?"

"Don't forget, today, a few of his friends have come. Do you think it is a coincidence that they deliberately approach the moon? Maybe their purpose is that day, you need to remind you to make a statement and let him be careful."

Wen Yi hides the light in his eyes, and the look is solemn.

Xuelian smiled and said: "I am convinced of Bai Yu, how can I believe my words? If you know that you told me this, he will definitely misunderstand you..."

"Day God Dan..."

"Do not worry, Tian Shen Dan was placed on the altar by me. How can those outsiders get into the altar? So, there will be no problems."


Wen Yi's eyebrows are light, and a smile is swaying in his lips.

It turns out that...Tian Shen Dan has been hidden in the altar. It’s no wonder that he hasn’t found it for so long, and even he’s hooked up the snow eagle’s little cockroach, just to find out if his storage bag is inside. There is a **** god Dan.

I did not expect that the snow eagle was so vigilant that the medicinal herbs were not placed in the storage bag, but instead were placed on the altar.

Soon, Wen Yi converges on the smile, gently touched the head of the snow lotus: "So I am relieved, just put it on the altar and need to be careful, those people will not know these secrets..."

When he spoke, he had already bent down and carefully picked a rose from the flower next to him and handed it to the snow lotus.

Xuelian’s eyes were smiling, and she intended to reach out to the rose. Who knows that the barb on the rose was not removed and broke her finger.

"Lian Er!"

Wen Yi was shocked and stunned. She hurriedly grabbed Xuelian’s hand and took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the blood of her fingertips. The eyes contained distressed and apologetic: "I blame me, you broke your hand... ”

Seeing the unconcealed heart in Wenyi’s eyes, Xuelian’s heart is like eating honey, sweet smile: “I’m fine, cousin, don’t worry...”

"It's okay, I will send you to rest."

If Wen Yi was relieved, then in the face of Xuelian, the handkerchief was thrown on the ground, and then the woman next to her was sent to the inner court.

After leaving Xuelian, Wenyi came back in a hurry and picked up the handkerchief on the ground. He carefully looked at his eyes and saw the people around him rushing to the altar.

If you want to open the door of the altar, only the blood of the blood of the Xue family can make a difference. Even if you only know where the altar of the Xue family is, it is the first time to go. After pondering for a long time, he successfully opened the door of the altar... ...

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