At this moment, no one saw the sinister figure of Wenyi walking into the altar, until half an hour later, the figure stepped out sneaking.

Compared with the tension when entering the altar, at this moment, his eyes are full of smiles, his lips are also shallow, with a touch of curvature...

The altar of the snow house is too big. He found a half-hour, and found a dark space, and found the **** god Dan from the dark space!

With this **** Shen Dan, he will be able to smoothly enter the realm of God.

And, taking Tianshen Dan, the future of cultivation will become easier...

If the light is just for breakthrough, he will not risk to steal the gods.

It’s a pity that the stupid woman of Xuelian didn’t get her **** Dan. Otherwise, why should he do it himself?


Not long after Wen Yi left, the figure of Xuelian also appeared outside the altar.

Compared to his initial panic, Xuelian was calmed down a lot.

Just because she understands that she wants her to marry her, even if she steals the gods, she will not dispose of her...

Therefore, she cut her finger with a dagger and let the blood drip on the stone pillar beside the gate.


With a bang, the door of the altar was instantly opened.

Xuelian clenched her fists tightly and strode into the altar. She searched the altar one circle according to the memory in her mind, and soon knew where the dark space was.

There was a button next to the dark cell, and she pressed it with a light press.

In an instant, the expression of Xuelian changed from the initial calm to the excitement, and the face was red: "With this god, the cousin can break through. The stronger his strength, the more he can accept him..."


When the snow lotus opened the dark space, her excited look froze, wide-eyed, unbelievably looking at the empty space.

"What about Dan medicine? Tianshen Dan?"

Why is Tianshen Dan missing?

Is it the place where the drug was transferred? But this is not possible. Is there any place more safe than the altar?

Xuelian’s face became pale in a moment, and the body trembled...

Daddy, her mind came to the words that Wen Yi said not long ago...

Bai Hao and his friends came to the snow house, just to steal the gods!

Otherwise, why did they come before Tian Shen Dan? It didn’t take long for those women to come, Tianshen Dan... was stolen?

"Come, come on!"

The snow lotus stood up and screamed in anger.

Not a moment, the snow housekeepers heard the sound and stood respectfully in front of Xuelian.

"Miss, what are you told?"

Xuelian hated to gnash her teeth: "Tian Shen Dan was stolen!"


Her words, like the blue sky, made the guards on the scene dumbfounded.

Originally their task was to patrol the altar to prevent others from approaching, but just now, Xuelian found an excuse to open them for the convenience of stealing Tianshen Dan.

This is also the reason why Wenyi is back all the way.

Xuelian did not think that this is only a short half-hour, Tianshen Dan was stolen?

"It’s all blaming the snow, if it’s not that gimmick, I’ve just...”

She is awkward.

Originally, she planned to steal the medicine after she opened the guard. Who knows that Xueyue has stopped her, and she keeps saying that she and Bai Yu are not suitable. I want her to help send the white scorpion away?

If she had the ability to send him away, she had already driven him out of the house, and still wait until now?

I did not expect this delay... Dan medicine is gone!

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