"White girl..."

The snow eagle's mouth reluctantly pulled out a smile. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said: "This is a misunderstanding, it is a misunderstanding..."

"The misunderstanding of shit!" Chu Yiyi's hand gently caressed his chest, and the angry scorpion looked at the snow eagle. "You don't let me and you leave, I stole the **** Dan, and forced me to marry your daughter, we don't Agree, you will do it to us, and some of the injuries on your body are also caused by you. You still ignore his serious injuries and plan to take him into the room with a sigh of relief."

Chu clothing is more and more arrogant, and Bai Yan’s body is more and more murderous.

It turned out that she was not in the days beside the day, this teenager has suffered so many grievances...

After all, she still could not protect his safety!

"What happened? You told me all the clothes. It took a certain amount of time for the monsters to find medicines. During this period, I have enough time to settle accounts with them!"

Chu clothing tightly hold the powder punch: "I don't want to marry the snow lady's Missy Xuelian, but Xuelian has been humiliating and insulting him as an unborn child without a parent. The identity and strength are not worthy of her snow. Miss Grandma."

"I don't want to be the son-in-law of Xue's family. I don't know what courage she is. I think that the power of the snow family is not to marry her, but also to swear by him."

The face of Bai Yan’s chest was undulating with the words of Chu’s clothes. Her fists were full of strength, and a bang was slamming on the man’s chest.

Under her strength, the man's chest hurts, and his mouth spurts a blood, and with the blood spurting out... There is a green... remedy?

Tianshen Dan is different from other medicinal herbs. It takes a certain amount of time to digest Tianshen Dan. Therefore, Wenyi will be able to swallow Tianshen Dan in the snow house with confidence, and then intends to find an excuse to go out and practice.

After he came back, he broke through the repairs and can claim to be the merits of his experience.

And he stole the sins of Tenjin Dan, absolutely no one knows.


I didn’t even think about Wen Yi’s thoughts. Did Bai Yan actually hit him in the belly of Tian Shen?

Xuelian was crying and froze, and she looked at Tianshen Dan who fell from the sky to the ground. The eyes of a pair of dementia could not speak...

The Snow Eagle stayed for three seconds. Suddenly, the rage swarmed out, and the storm started from the whole body. The sky was dark and colorless.

"Quiet, it is you, you stole the **** Dan!"

The crowd is in vain.

The eyes of the Snow House are unbelievable and fall on the faint and pale face. The fundus has a strong shock.

Today, they are doing a lot of things for the gods, and in the end, the gods are being stolen by the gentle son?

Chu Yiyi smiled, she smiled very happy, a pair of eyebrows full of pretty smiles, smiling and laughing, she could not help but laughed.

"My clothes have never been lying, I said that I did not steal or did not steal, now it is the truth, hahaha, actually was stolen by your own people!"

She has not been so stunned.

Even if the snow house is destined to be destroyed, she is not willing to bear the reputation of theft, even if the reputation will not be known to others...

Now that I saw Wen Yi spit out Tian Shen Dan, her heart was relieved, and tears could not help but slipped down...

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