If it is not a god, Dan will not be hurt!

And the snow house is so blind, it is also damn!

"If the nephew wants, the whole **** world... I am willing to give it to him, the snow house in the district, and scorn the nephew, but also want to marry him?"

Bai Yan’s feet were deep and the ironic eyes swept across the faces of the Xue family, with indifference.

But wherever she wants, she can hand in the world, let alone a snow house?

But she also understands that she is unwilling to use her hand to gain power. He wants to shelter her with her own efforts...

Such a deaf child, while admiring her, is also very distressed.

"Yan Er," Emperor Cang placed Bai Yu on the back of Huang Xiaoying, and walked slowly to Bai Yan's side, holding her slender waist. "I wanted to lay down the gods, I want to give it to you." The dowry, now the whole piece of the gods is already in my hands, it is my meeting for the nephew, after all, when I met, I did not give him any gifts..."

Emperor Cang has always understood that in the eyes of Bai Yan, Bai Yu occupies a large position.

He was also the first person to give her warmth when Bai Yan came to this world.

For this warmth, she puts the white sorrow in her heart, and so on, then he is a brother-in-law, it is necessary to protect the little scorpion...

If it was before, I heard the words of Emperor Cang and Bai Yan, Xuelian must be satirical, but now, all her eyes are on the earth **** Tian Dan.

Tears filled her eyes, her shoulders were loose, her face was pale: "Why do you lie to me? Cousin, why are you lie to me? Why do you want to steal Tianshen Dan? You clearly said that you are not rare, you want to rely on yourself. The strength comes to me, why did you steal the gods and dare to blame others?"

There have been countless people who have persuaded her, and Wen Yi has been deliberate, but she is deeply rooted in her love and is convinced of him.

Now she suddenly understands why Wenyi asked her where Tianshen Dan was, and it was no coincidence that she was accidentally pierced by her fingers...

Wen Yi face is like a gray, he knows, stealing the gods and gods, this time... Snow Eagle will not let him go!

Compared to the sad and desolate snow lotus, the snow eagle, who already knows the status of the white stork, is even more crazy. His eyes are full of blood, and he is staring at the warmth...

If it weren't for this bastard, he wouldn't have to wear clothes and white robes. At that time, even if Bai Yan was found, Xue Jia did not make any mistakes.

But now... everything is ruined by him!

"There is nothing wrong with what you said."

Bai Yanyang looked at Xuelian.

Her murderous voice made Xuelian's body froze, and finally turned her head, and her gaze moved from the gentle body to the white face.

"There is no father or mother, but he has my sister. He is not an orphan. He is the world... my favorite brother."

What if he has no father or mother? But he has her sister, she is willing to do everything, give him everything!

But whatever he wants, it’s more difficult, she is willing to bring it to him...

Xuelian's lips trembled a few times, and wanted to talk, but found that under the woman's pressure, she couldn't even say a word, just shook a few throats, and her eyes were flustered.

Yes, at this moment, she is panicked!

"So..." Bai Yan sneered at the lips. "You despise my brother, you must pay the price!" <>

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