Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1673: The top of the national division (four)

"But the national teacher, I really don't want to leave you for a moment..."

Emperor Xiaoyun closed his eyes. With {梦}小◢.1a

At the moment when the national teacher fell, she had already remembered all kinds of things thousands of years ago.

Millions of years ago, they would have been married, if not because of the accident, perhaps... she is already the wife of the national division.

They may have a lot of children.

But how can she forget the national teacher? Forget this man who has been with her for a long time, who will love her into the bone marrow...

"Princess, let's go back to the demon palace, and your wounds..."

The four elders stepped forward and she wanted to persuade the Emperor Xiaoyun to go back with them, but after seeing her coming, Emperor Xiaoyun shook his head.

"I don't think it hurts. The national teacher has suffered so much pain for me. What happened to me?"

The former Emperor Xiaoyun was afraid of pain and fear of death, but now the national teacher is dead, and her heart is dead.

She was stabbed by her own chest, but she felt no pain at all. It seemed that the whole body was numb.

The four elders opened their mouths. She looked at the man lying on the legs of Emperor Xiaoyun: "If the princess does not treat the injury, the national teacher will be distressed. He is now...has not completely left, he must be watching. you."

The body of Emperor Xiaoyun is stiff: "I can't let the national teacher feel bad, Dan medicine, I want to swallow the medicine."

She panicked and pulled out a porcelain bottle from her sleeve. She was opening the porcelain bottle, and the palm of her hand trembled. The porcelain bottle rolled down from her palm, and the medicine fell from the bottle.

The girl who has always been clean, but can not care so much at this moment, panicked and picked up a remedy, swallowed into the mouth.

With the entrance of the medicinal herbs, the wound on her chest also stopped.

Emperor Xiaoyun's mouth slightly pulled out an ugly smile: "National teacher, you see, I am more obedient now? I am eating medicinal herbs, but why... you don't open your eyes to see me?"

It is obvious that her heartache is difficult to suppress, but it is still in the direction of letting the national teacher leave, and is hard to laugh.

Such a small cloud, so that the four elders and other people are more and more distressed.

"Princess, who is the demon world who killed the national teacher?"

Emperor Xiaoyun’s eyes were always reluctant to move away from the national teacher’s body: “I don’t know... I don’t know anything, I only know that I have harmed the national teacher.”

All of this is because of her fault. It was her who was damned, but why she became a national teacher...

Suddenly, a few familiar atmospheres came from the sky not far away. After perceiving those breaths, the four elders and other people hurriedly raised their heads and looked in the direction of the breath.

Originally felt that after those people came back, the most exciting thing should be the emperor Xiaoyun, but now the death of the national teacher has already caused her heart to die, so...

In her eyes, in my heart, all of them are only national teachers.

In the void, Emperor Cang and Bai Yan have stopped their pace. They are aware that the atmosphere of the demon world is somewhat unusual, and the dawn is slightly swept, and immediately... stayed in the national teacher in Huahai.

The national teacher was silent, the roses under him were infected with blood, and the enchanting bloom.

"Mother-in-law..." Bai Xiaochen also stunned. He pulled the sleeves of the white-faced man. "What happened to the aunt and the national teacher? Why... I can’t feel the breath of the national teacher here?"

The four elders have already slowed down from the excitement of the past, and their voices are filled with grief: "Wang, Queen, Your Royal Highness, you are finally back, the National Teacher, he... He is dead..."

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