National teacher... dead?

The appearance of Emperor Cang finally showed a slight change. He was like a lightning bolt. He rushed to the front of Emperor Xiaoyun in an instant, and Feng Xiao fell on the face of the national teacher.

"Yan, do you see if the national division still has a rescue?"

After hearing the words of the four elders, Bai Yan had already followed the emperor, but when he saw the silent national teacher, her heart suddenly sank and silenced for a while, then slowly said: "He has...can't save again."

Even if she is an alchemy teacher, she has no ability to return to life. Therefore, the national teacher has already...not saved.

Originally heard the words of Emperor Cang, Emperor Xiaoyun has excitedly raised his eyes, and the beautiful big eyes are full of hopes. But in the end, Bai Yan’s voice gave her a heavy blow.

With the ability of Xunzi, it is impossible to save the national teacher... Is she really going to be separated from the national teacher?

Emperor Xiaoyun bit his lip, her lips are slightly white, and her eyes are desperate.

At this moment, her tears have dried up, but the hollowness in the eyes makes anyone feel distressed...

"Emperor Xiaoyun, who killed the national division, you know?" The voice of Emperor Cang is very calm.

But in this calm, there is a storm that is easy to detect.

Emperor Xiaoyun finally raised his head again. The empty eyes looked at the Emperor Cang. She shook her head slightly: "I don't know, he said that I want to take revenge... He originally wanted to kill me, but the national teacher has been protecting. I didn't let him succeed."

Her voice is very weak, as if she did not have much strength to answer the words of Emperor Cang.

Emperor Cang clenched his fist.

In an instant, the sky became a gloomy piece, and the whole flower was filled with a gloomy atmosphere.

"I understand……"

Emperor Cang saw the tears and traces of the emperor Xiaoyun: "This king will avenge the national division! The person who dares to move the demon world, the king one... will not let go!"

The man's shocking tone is spread in the sea of ​​flowers, arrogant and domineering, can not be a lifetime.

Emperor Xiaoyun lowered his head, her arms tightly holding the head of the national division: "Reporting the revenge... Can the national teacher come back?"

Her sad voice filled with prayers, biting her lips, and even her body trembled in the breeze.

As long as the national teacher can come back and let her pour everything, she is willing.

"Emperor Cang, you go to investigate the people who killed the national division," Bai Yanyan said, "I stayed with Xiaoyun."

Emperor Cang's eyes looked at the emperor Xiaoyun, and there was a distress in the phoenix. However, because the eyes of Emperor Xiaoyun were on the body of the national teacher, they did not find the heartache in the eyes of Emperor Cang.

Of course, this scene did not escape the eyes of Bai Yan.

Don't look at the ordinary Emperor Cang is very serious about Emperor Xiaoyun. In fact, he is such a sister, and he has encountered such a thing. How can he not feel bad about him?

The national teacher was accompanied by his right arm and his right arm for a long time, but he was killed. The anger in his heart is like Jiang Haitao, never stop!

"Yan, Xiaoyun is taken care of by you, the four elders, you go back to the demon palace with the king!"


The four elders and others finally looked at the national teacher and the emperor Xiaoyun, and slowly walked away with the emperor.

Bai Xiaochen walked slowly to the side of Emperor Xiaoyun, and gently wiped the tears on her face that had never been blown by the wind. The child’s voice was soft: “Aunt, don’t cry, if you cry, country The teacher will be very upset."

Emperor Xiaoyun’s mouth was slightly pulled, and he looked up at the white face of Bai Xiaochen’s tender face: “The aunt does not cry, the morning does not have to worry...”

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