"You...you..." The young boy pushed Huang Xiaoying from his body, and his grievances turned to Bai Yan. "Master, do you not love me? Why do you want this crazy girl to come to the demon palace? I drove her out."

This crazy girl, hanging in the man's body, is not really harmful?

And when he saw him, he shouted.

Is she so bad for every male tiger?

At the thought of this, the teenager’s face sank a bit, and his eyes narrowed to Huang Xiaoying.

Anyway... he didn’t want to see this kind of crazy mad girl in his life.

"Xiao Ying is visiting Xiaoyun, so I will not chase her away," Bai Yan made a self-seeking blessing to the teenager. "You take care of yourself."

The teenager's face is green, don't drive away this crazy girl? Is he going to be entangled in her days in the demon palace?

Thinking about this, the young grievances are crying.

"Xiao Mi, I miss you."

Bai Xiaochen rushed over and deeply embraced the young boy: "I don't know how to live without these days..."

The teenager really cried this time and was moved.

It’s a small master who grew up from a small band. He missed him so much, and he didn’t bother to give him a pot for so many years.

"Little master, I still know for the first time that you love me so much."

Bai Xiaochen's face suddenly became serious: "Xiao Mi, you think more, you are no longer these days, although no one and I grab snacks, but no one has back for me, but fortunately in China, I am I have a big yellow dog and I have two pots for me."

Poor rhubarb, if you hear Bai Xiaochen, it is estimated that a dog's heart is broken...

Of course, rhubarb can't hear these words, and his dog's heart can't be broken. Now Xiaomi's heart has broken into slag, looking at Bai Xiaochen with that resentful look.

"My existence is for you, is it a pot?"

Bai Xiaochen nodded seriously: "Or not?"

"Don't stop me, I have to go to the river, no one can stop me, I don't want to live, hehe!"

Xiaomi turned around and rushed to the cold lake ahead.

He is waiting for someone to pull him, but who knows the people behind him are motionless.

Even Huang Xiaoying just watched him.

When I arrived at the river, Xiaomi stopped and turned to look at Huang Xiaoying: "Why don't you pull me?"

Huang Xiaoying looks like a well-behaved look: "You let us not pull, I am not very obedient, the future is public?"

Originally, Xiaomi thought that his heart had broken into slag, but now he can understand what it feels like a heartache.

He almost shed tears: "What did I do, you have to do this to me?"

"Xiao Mi, I am having fun with you, actually I miss you very much."

Bai Xiaochen saw that Xiaomi was so sad, but she couldn't bear it any more. He no longer continued to tease him, soft and soft.

"This is almost the same," Xiaomi wiped the tears that had been squeezed out, and turned to look at Bai Yan. "Master, you just said that Huang Xiaoying is crazy to see the princess. What happened to the princess?" ”

Bai Yan’s heart sank, but this thing could not hold them, saying: “The national teacher is dead.”

The national teacher is dead?

Xiaomi’s expression was very surprised: “The national teacher is dead? What happened to the demon world? How could this be? The princess likes the national teacher so much that he will not be able to stand it.”

"You can see that Xiaoyun likes the national teacher?" Bai Yan asked an eyebrow.

Xiaomi snorted: "The fool can't see it. When the princess brings up the national teacher in front of us, it is always so happy. The national teacher in her heart is always so good. She is always open." Teacher, this is not what I like?"

Bai Yan smiled and said: "Xiaoyun is the fool. Everyone else sees that she likes the national teacher. She only... she never knew."

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