If Xiaoyun has already understood his own mind, nowadays, he will not regret his life forever...

"Let's go, let's go to see the Suzaku in the sacred mountain, she misses you very much."

The pale lips of the white face, a smile on her lips, she looked back at the few people behind her eyes and turned to go in the direction of the demon mountain...


The demon mountain seems to be shrouded in white light, sacred and spiritual.

Suzaku's hand held the gangster, and the glamorous face revealed the light of the holy step under the faint light. Suddenly, she noticed that the familiar atmosphere was close, and she quickly stood up and looked at the mountain with a pleasant look.


Suzaku's red lips provoked a smile and walked slowly toward Bai Yan. She just walked to the front of Bai Yan and found a few people standing behind her, and suddenly stopped a few steps.

"Xuanwu, are you back?"

Suzaku recognized Xuanwu at a glance, this man who had fought side by side with her...


When Suzaku saw Tsing Yi on the side, the grievances in his eyes almost flowed out.

After Qinglong retired, she became a woman. Now she thinks about this, she has a feeling of extreme collapse!

Even if Xuanwu becomes a woman, why is it a Qinglong?

A thousand years ago, she not only regarded Qinglong as a partner, but even... secretly liked him.

Qinglong was somewhat uncomfortable under the eyes of Suzaku's grievances. He stepped back a few steps and reluctantly raised a smile: "Suzaku, I haven't seen you for a long time."

She has been to the demon world with Xiaomi. It is natural to see Suzaku, but they are not very clear about the things of the millennium.

It may be the tie-up of the millennium, and it is also to let Tsing Yi understand that this glamorous woman is a partner worthy of her trust.

Suzaku walked a few steps toward Qinglong and reached for a few touches on her chest.

Tsing Yi was shocked by her movements and looked up at Suzaku with surprise: "What are you doing?"

"Oh, I will see when this thing will disappear. Do you have to be a woman in your life?" Suzaku took it for granted.

Qinglong hurriedly protected his chest and stood a few steps beside Bai Yan’s body: "Master, Suzaku is not... crazy?"

Bai Yan squinted at the temple, and some of the headaches sighed.

However, this sound fell in the ears of Bai Xiaochen, and his expression immediately tightened. The big eyes gathered together with worry: "Mother, are you uncomfortable?"

Bai Yan shook his head: "After I saw Tsing Yi, I suddenly thought of one thing?"

Bai Xiaochen licked his bright big eyes: "What?"

"After reincarnation, I did not choose gender according to my own wishes. You said... If the national teacher becomes a woman, how should Xiaoyun be good?"


Bai Xiaochen was silent.

For a long time, he was weak and open: "The aunt is very patriotic. She said that she would like him regardless of the national teacher's future life. So... should the aunt not mind?"

"So how do you know that the national teacher will love women?"

Bai Xiaochen licked his hair: "I promised my aunt, I will tie the national division to join him, and the national teacher does not agree with it. He must marry his aunt."

If the national teacher does not agree, he will summon all the beasts under the city and force him to return to the demon world!

Bai Yan stroked his chin and nodded. "This is a good way. When the National Teacher disagrees, we will do this. Anyway... He has to be the son-in-law of the demon world in his life." <>

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