"it is good."

The little Linger’s little body lingered on Bai Xiaochen’s body. Perhaps the boy’s back gave her a sense of security. The original arrogant heart was gradually stabilized...



Within the dark forest, a thunder and lightning came to an end, and the embarrassment fell on the body that the man was no longer.

The blood in his mouth surged and almost spurted out of his throat. The beautiful face was pale and colorless, and his head looked flustered and looked at the thunder and lightning that had not been scattered for a long time...

This time, is he really going to die?

The man closed his eyes and a small face with a pink face appeared in his mind.

The girl smiled and the sun was more beautiful, like the same light, illuminating his quiet heart...

If he dies, he can no longer be guarded by the princess, and he can’t report the queen’s grace.

The thunderclouds in the sky are rolling, so that there is nowhere to escape. Those thunder and lightning are like justice trials, washing away his sins.

The man's consciousness finally began to appear scattered, his mouth slightly raised, with a shallow arc.

"In the beginning, you saved me in the darkness, but I mistakenly thought of others. I thought this life, I can protect your daughter's side, in order to repay your grace, but... I still have to eat. It is."

"Queen, princess... If there is an afterlife, I will never admit the wrong person, I will use my life to pay you back."


When the words fell, the body of the donkey fell to the ground, lying on the scorched earth, lost consciousness 6


The demon palace.

Xiao Linger's well-behaved squatting on Bai Xiaochen's body, his head resting on his back, abrupt, what she seemed to feel, squinted and raised her eyes, looking at the sky where the lightning continued.

Her tears are like the raindrops of the beans, and they constantly seep out from the big eyes.

"Linger, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Xiaochen felt that his back was wet and he was panicked. He hurriedly turned his head to look at the little guy lying on her back and hurriedly asked.

Xiao Linger shook his head: "Big brother, Linger doesn't know, but Linger just wants to cry..."

"Linger, don't cry, you cry me... I am very uncomfortable."

Bai Xiaochen flustered the little Linger down, gently wiped the tears in her eyes with her sleeves, and some comforted her.

Xiao Linger was just silent tears, but I don't know why, she cried more and more fiercely, and finally wowed out.

"Linger, tell the big brother, what happened?"

Bai Xiaochen's little face was white. When he saw Linger, he didn't see the little buns crying. Now the little girl is crying loudly, and his heart is broken.


A sudden, an anxious shout came from behind the little Linger.

When Xiao Linger turned her head, she was already dragged into her arms and held her soft and small body tightly.

Her crying seemed to involve the hearts of the people, and Bai Yan only felt the pain of a heartbreaking lung.

"Mother, what happened to my sister?" Bai Xiaochen was white with a small face and looked up at Bai Yan. "She has been crying all the time. How can I comfort me? What happened?"

At this time, other people were also attracted by the crying of Xiao Linger, who had already rushed from a distance.

And Emperor Cang always stood beside Bai Yan, a purple robes, noble and evil, his eyebrows were full of arrogance and domineering, reaching out to bring the mother and daughter into the arms.

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