"It's okay, Linger, my mother is here, my mother is always there, telling my mother, what happened?"

Xiao Linger’s big eyes are watery: “I don’t know, Linger knows nothing, but feels that it’s hard to be affected... The mother is hug, Linger wants to hug.”

"Okay, mother-in-law hugs Linger."

Bai Yan squatted down and picked up Linger's small body. She was full of distress and gently patted the back of Linger.

"Mother, is my sister hungry?"

Biting his fingers every day, curious eyes look at Linger.

Every time he is hungry, he can't help but want to cry.

My sister must be hungry...

They all blame him for not leaving food for his sister.

Thinking of this, I bowed my head every day, and my eyes were full of embarrassment. If it weren’t for him, my sister would not cry...

"Mother," Bai Xiaochen seems to think of something, said, "Linger told me that the power of thunder and lightning is too much like the power of the uncle who attacked Uncle that day. Will it be that Uncle Uncle has an accident?"

I am desperate to protect Linger, so in the heart of Linger, you have become her relatives.

In addition, Linger used her own blood to save her life. It is difficult to ensure that she will feel something...

So, it may be true that something is wrong.

Hearing the name, Bai Yan stunned, and her fingers stroking Linger also trembled.

Uh... this name... was forgotten by her thousands of years ago.

What she didn't expect was that he would remember her so deeply, and even left the place to go to the shrine to find her.

It’s a pity that she had been reincarnate at that time, so what she found was only the cloud with amulet...

And, she will think of her if she misses it.

"Morning, you left a protection spirit, and I went to see it with Emperor Cang."

Bai Yan put Xiao Linger in the morning of her arms and said, "Dang Cang, let's go."

"it is good."

Emperor Cang's wrinkled brow slowly loosened, however, he took the hand of Bai Yan but still did not let go...


Under the sky, the gloomy piece fell into the pool of blood. He was pale and colorless. It was like a person who was no longer angry, lying on the cold ground.

The thunder and lightning on the sky did not dissipate. It seems that there is a tendency to keep the soul that does not hit him.

When Bai Yan and Emperor Cang walked in the direction of thunder, they saw the man who fell to the ground.

At the moment of seeing the man, Bai Yan’s eyes were first glimpsed. Immediately, she released the hand of Emperor Cang and ran to the man quickly. In the blink of an eye, he came to his side...

Emperor Cang saw that Bai Yan was so concerned about this man, his brow was wrinkled, but he was silent and silently followed Bai Yan to the man's side.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, the Emperor Cangfeng shrank, and he saw a thunderbolt that fell to Bai Yan with lightning speed, and hurriedly stretched out her hand and instantly pulled her into her arms.

Thunder and lightning fell in front of the ground, hitting the ground out of a large pit, and the surrounding land was long gone into a scorched earth.

If it is not the speed of the Emperor Cang, I am afraid that the lightning bolt just now will fall on the body of Bai Yan...

"Yan, how are you?" Emperor Cang looked at Bai Yan nervously, and the phoenix was full of worry.

When he looked up, his eyes were arrogant and domineering.

He is like an unruly king, and he looks like a king.

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