
For the practitioners, once they reach a realm, they can stay young forever! Unless some people are not willing to stay in the stage of youth forever, they will let the fine lines grow.

Since she broke into the **** of the earth, she never left her again. So, when did this eye pattern appear, how could she not know?

"It is estimated that it existed thousands of years ago. I have not noticed it?"

Yun Ruoxi's brows are loose.

She is full of joy now, naturally will not pay attention to these small things, and then put down the bronze mirror, Yun Ruoxi once again sat on the bed and began to retreat...


What happens in the field, Bai Yan naturally does not know.

She only knows that the mainland of this time is not very flat. Even the demon world often has some people mixed in. Fortunately, it was discovered by the patrol team of the demon world, and it did not cause too much trouble in the demon world.

It is also because of the appearance of these people that Bai Yan is more worried about the safety of several white brothers and sisters. Therefore, she completely limits them and does not allow them to leave the demon palace.

Only in the demon palace is the safest.

A few small buns also understand the worries of Bai Yan, but they are very obedient to stay in the demon palace, and did not leave a step, they are afraid that once they walk out of the demon palace, it will make Bai Yan worry about them again.

It was only this day that Bai Yan always felt a bit uneasy, as if something was going to happen, and she was restless and restless.

Without waiting for her anxiety for too long, a panicked figure ran over, her voice with an infinite panic: "The blind, the big things are not good, the little Linger has an accident!"

Did the little Linger have an accident?

Bai Yan stood up and panicked, and the seat behind her fell to the ground. She quickly rushed to the front of Emperor Xiaoyun, and her face was ugly: "What happened to Xiao Linger?"

"I... I don't know, hey, you are going to save the spirit, oh."

The words of Emperor Xiaoyun have not been finished yet, and Bai Yan’s body shape has disappeared, and he quickly rushed toward the direction of Xiao Linger.

In addition, someone informed the Emperor Cang, so that when Bai Yan arrived, Emperor Cang also came over from another direction.


Within the vast courtyard, Bai Xiaochen frantically slammed the air with a small fist, and there seemed to be an invisible wall around the air that blocked all his fists.

His white face was full of tears, and his eyes were full of panic and panic.

He is afraid...

I am afraid that Linger will leave, and I will never see her again!

At this moment, Xiao Linger was shrouded in a circle of red light, her maple eyes were filled with tears, helpless and pitiful on the ground, a small hand wanted to pass from the red light, but her hand When I touched the red light, there was a tingling pain, and she received it again...


The voice of Bai Yan shivered and rushed to the front of Xiao Linger. She slammed into the invisible wall and tried to rush in and pull out the scary little buns.

But she just ran into it, and the body was bounced out. Fortunately, a large hand was stretched out in time, and she was firmly guarded in her arms before she fell to the ground...

"Emperor Cang, save the spirit, save her!" Bai Yan clasped the hands of Emperor Cang.

At this moment, her heart was lifted up, and the voice was boundlessly panicked.

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