Emperor Cang loosened the waist of Bai Yan and wanted to shoot. At this moment, the space above the little Linger was torn open, and there was an endless darkness in this mouth that would swallow people. ???????

"Treading the void, the field?"

The elders stunned and showed a horror in their eyes: "Why can the little princess open the field? Which is the field of which side?"

In the moment when the void was torn, the body of Xiao Linger was held up by the red light and went to the field.


The face of Bai Yan changed again. The fist she clenched did not know the power of the coming. The bang came to the red light...

Originally thought that this time, she will still be bounced back by the red light, miraculous, her body directly planted into the red light, piercing the wall that blocked her...

"Yan Er!"

Emperor Cang sees that Bai Yan will pass through that layer of red light. He hurriedly stretched out her leg and went to death outside.

"Emperor Cang," Bai Yan looked back at Emperor Cang. "No matter where Linger goes, I will accompany her. But there are too many strong people who have come to the demon world recently. You must stay to protect them, so..."

The implication is that Emperor Cang needs to stay in the demon world, and she intends to accompany Linger.

"No, the field is too dangerous!"

"Because of danger, I will not let Linger go alone. You see it, because Linger is my flesh and blood, so I can pass through this light, you can't."

While Emperor Cang was holding Bai Yan, he also tried to enter, but he was still blocked.

Linger is born of Bai Yan.

Even though Emperor Cang is a father, he is a force, and Bai Yan... is out of his own blood and flesh.

Every child is the mother's flesh and blood, so she can rush into the red light, accompanied by Linger.

"Emperor Cang, you have to believe me, I will wait for you in the field. On the day you come, Linger and I will reunite with you." Bai Yan faintly evokes the corner of his lips, his eyes are shining .

"And, I will live, I will protect our daughter. If you believe in me, you will let go."

The phoenix of Emperor Cang gaze at the woman under the red light.

He slowly loosened her hand next to her...

"When I solve those people, I am going to find you."

He knows that Linger is her life. ..

Therefore, he has no way to stop her.

Only go to her side with all her strength and protect her safety.

"Thank you..."

The dawn of Bai Yan slowly swept over, and finally stayed on the body of Bai Xiaochen and Tiantian, and the little dragon who stood by Bai Xiaochen...

"Morning, in the days when I am no longer, you take care of every day and the dragon."

Bai Xiaochen’s eyes showed tears, but he could not let him fall.

"Mother, the morning will protect the dragon and every day, the morning will go to see you with you, you must protect yourself for the morning."

He is a man, can't cry anymore, and he is waiting for his care every day.

Compared with Bai Xiaochen's forbearance, every day, wow, I cried out: "Where is the mother and sister going? I have to go, I don't want to leave my mother and sister, hehe..."

Why is he always left behind? The last time I was with my brother, this time is my sister, he is always the one that was abandoned.

Bai Yan’s heart hurts.

However, for the little Linger, at this moment, she has no choice.

She can't let Xiao Linger go to such a dangerous place alone...

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