Just thinking of the dark house, Ji Qingge's body is a bit stiff, and the body is filled with a sad atmosphere.

"Mrs. Emperor."

The maid turned to see the white face, and the dear was a gift.

"You bring her back," Bai Yan said, and said, "In addition, Ji Qingge, I am thinking about what you said... or, if you got Soul and Feng Yu, come to me. ""

Ji Qingge nodded. She didn't say anything more. She followed the maid to the direction of the bedroom.

Far away, she saw the old man who ran in a panic.

The old man’s gray hair was very glaring in the sun, and he also saw Ji Qingge’s face sad.

"Grandpa..." Her voice was crisp and soft, but the look of the old man's panic disappeared.

"How do you run around again?"

Ji Tian smiled and shook his head. He wanted to blame her for a few words. I can think of the life of this girl in the past few years. I can’t bear to say a word of blame.

Ji Qing’s song bowed his head: “Grandpa, I am worried about you, sorry...”

"You just don't run around again next time, wait for Grandpa to find a way to cure your body. You can go anywhere, now you can bear it." Ji Tian touched Ji Qingge's small head and sighed. One sound.

This girl is only five years old.

She has been poisoned since she was born a few months ago, so that she rarely sees the sun until now, fearing that the sun will make her toxins spread faster...

If it wasn't for the past, he wanted to forcibly break through the realm of the lord, and would not let those people have the opportunity to take advantage of it, killing his son and daughter-in-law, that is, the small Qing song has suffered so much damage...

After all, it all blames him.

"Grandpa, do you have Fengyu and Soul Fruits in the realm of mysterious gods?" Ji Qingge raised his eyes and looked at Ji Tian with his eyes, his eyes containing hope.

Ji Tianyi said: "What do you ask this?"

"I want these two things, Grandpa, can you help me find it?"

In these years, because of the embarrassment, Grandpa is basically compliant with her. As long as she wants something, Grandpa will definitely bring it to her...

And for the treatment of the injury, she does not want to let the grandfather know for the time being, to avoid getting a head to come to the air.

"Feng Yu... I remember that I once saved a phoenix. The phoenix gave me a feather and said that if there is any need in the future, I can find him through this feather."

Ji Tian smiled and said.

In the eyes of Ji Qingge, I was delighted: "What about the Phoenix?"

"Dead, in the field war, she was already dead. I was still young, and I didn't become the elder of the lord's house. The phoenix gave me a deep impression. Unfortunately, she is already dead..."

Therefore, that feather has been kept for a long time, and he has not been willing to discard it until now.

However, since the granddaughter wants, then why does he give her?

He owes too much to his granddaughter. Even if she wants the stars and moon, he will pick her up...

Ji Qingge’s eyes are bright, like the stars are dazzling.

"The soul is fruit, I want the soul fruit."

"This..." Ji Tian frowned. He couldn't bear to let Ji Qingge be disappointed and smiled. "Small Qingge, soul fruit, I will help you find it. This area of ​​inflammation is so big, I don't believe that there is no soul fruit. presence."

Hearing Ji Tian’s firm tone, Ji Qingge’s mood was calm. <>

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