"it is good."

Ji Qingge's mouth was pumping, as if she wanted to show a smile, but because she never had any effect, her smile was very stiff.

However, even then, after seeing Ji Qingge’s smile, Ji Tian’s heart was full of joy and his eyes were full of excitement.

"Small Qingge, you..."

"Grandpa, I went back to rest. When you find the soul fruit, bring me the soul fruit and Feng Yu."

Ji Qingge bite her lip, and the smirk disappeared from her face. She looked back at Ji Tian and immediately followed the maid to the bedroom.

Gazing at the small figure of Ji Qingge, the farther and farther away, Ji Tian also took his eyes back. He frowned slightly and said faintly: "Come, come and tell, if anyone in the field has a soul fruit, I am willing Use a condition as an exchange, and... no matter what the conditions, as long as it is not a nuisance, I will not refuse."

The guards who followed closely knew Ji Tian’s favor for the only granddaughter, so it is understandable that he can make such a promise.

The guards arched the arch fist and, with a cry, left the lord's house and declared the words of the elders to the world...


The field of inflammation.

Above a mountain range, the man hits the brocade and stands on the top of the hill.

His handsome face is thoughtful, and he is as sharp as a knife but always stares at the remains not far away: "Four elders, are you sure you are in this place?"

"It is not wrong in this place."

The four elders stood behind him respectfully and said.

"Well, then you will follow me now, we must leave as soon as possible."

Tian Yan wrinkled a good-looking brow. I don't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that something was going to happen, and his heart was very confused.


He lowered his eyes slightly and hoped that nothing would happen to this girl.

Even he didn't know why, he was so concerned about the little gimmick he had met for the first time. Even after leaving the lord's house, he still went back to accompany the **** as soon as possible...


at the same time.

Within the valley, Gu Ya listened to the report of the guards, and a pair of beautiful beautiful eyes picked up slightly and slowly stood up from the seat.

"You mean, the elders are looking for soul fruit everywhere, what does she want the soul to do?"

Soul fruit is not very useful for humans. On the contrary, some monsters are used to enhance the hardness of the soul.

"Miss, it is said that Miss Qingge is clamoring for the soul fruit. The elders are here to find the soul fruit for her. If we can find the soul fruit..."

The guards carefully looked at the valley and said.

Gu Ya's drooping eyelids contain a touch of imperceptible light.

Ji Qingge, this girl... really envied her.

She has a high-ranking grandfather, and this grandfather is still so fond of her.

But her Guya has no relatives, only one Gu Gu accompanied her.

“Where is Gu Lao?” Gu Ya licked his thin lips and looked up at the guard.

"Miss Kaiqi, Gu Lao went out before, and has not returned yet. His subordinates do not know where he is."

"go out?"

Gu Ya was silent for a long time. For a long time, she only faintly licked her lips: "I know, you should go on first, if Ruogu is old, let him come to see me immediately."

She was still thinking of other ways to let Linger’s mother leave the house. I didn’t expect that the opportunity came so soon...

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