"Miss Gu, Madame, although she is young, she is only in her twenties, but she is already a foot into the realm of the lord. Even I may not be her opponent. She is a dragon and a phoenix. Why do I have to climb others?"

Ji Tian’s laughter is ironic. ~With~dream~small~say~щ~~lā

It is also like a heavy stick, squatting in the heart of Gu Ya.

A shudder that caused her heart. ..

The elder is not the opponent of this woman... her strength... is it so powerful?

"Today, I am going to announce this again," Tian Yan’s cold and stern glare looked around and shouted. "The future of the lord’s house is returned to my wife, Bai Ning, and my biological daughter, Bai Yan, is also the lord of the lord. My granddaughter Linger is still Miss Xiao, whoever violates them, expels from the lord's house, never enters again!"

My biological daughter, Bai Yan, is also the lord of the lord's house.

My biological daughter?


A thunder was blasting in Gu Ya’s mind. She raised her head in a wrong way, staring at the shadow of a few people...

My biological daughter? This woman is his biological daughter, that is to say... the lord has long married his wife and children?

Gu Ya shuddered and closed her eyes, her fingers in the palm of her hand, her heart, as if there was a knife in the cut, bloody, painful.

Tian Yan is such a powerful figure. The past life turned a blind eye to any woman who was sent to the door. Why... He would marry his wife and have children?

The person he is jealous of is not her!

Nothing is more painful than a beloved man who is jealous of others. Today, Gu Ya has already realized what despair is...

"Why... why is this?"

She opened her eyes with tears in her eyes, and her eyes looked deep into the sky.

At this moment, her weak willows are windy and fragile.

"Tian Yan, you are not so easy to marry your wife, you obviously put anyone and the door outside..."

Therefore, she never thought that such an indifferent Tianyan would have a wife.

Tianyan tightly gripped Bai Ning's shoulders, and the smile was no longer the indifference and coldness: "That was just the person I met, and any previous behavior was to wait for her appearance... ... If my past life really left my wife and children, how can I have her in this life?"

For him, it has always been a lack of indulgence, only those who have loved with the true heart, it is a lifetime.

Never leave.

Such a deep confession, but also stinging the heart of Gu Ya, her tears are constantly falling, abrupt, she laughed, smiled and laughed, the laughter filled with madness.

Waiting for thousands of years has become a joke.

Her beloved man has long had a wife, and even her granddaughter has...

If... If I knew that she would marry her someday, she wouldn’t have used it so thousands of years ago.

If you take it out early, maybe... she won't be so painful, and she won't do so much.

"What about Gu?" She looked at Tianyan with a stunned look. "Where is the old valley, why can't I find him everywhere?"


The two words of the coldness of the sky, with the evening wind fell into the ears of Gu Ya.

Gu Ya's body trembled and stepped back. Her palms forced the tree behind her, barely revealing a smile.

"You are cheating on me, how can Gu Lao die? He just has something to leave for a while, he will not go to do bad things, how can he die?"

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