Tianyan’s voice is very cold: “He is going to kill my granddaughter’s daughter. You said that he should not die?”

Ji Tian stunned and raised his head. He looked flustered and looked at the little milk buns standing next to Bai Yan. {又}{梦} щ{][lā}

After he left, Gu Lao wanted to hurt Miss Linger?

That guy... how dare you do something like this?

Miss Xiao is just a child. How can he bear to take a child?

"Not only that," said the butterfly's ironic lips. "The old thing doesn't know where to get a remedy. The strength is very strong. Even I am not his opponent. Miss Xiao almost died in him. In the hands of the young, if the Missy is out of time, Miss Xiao must be dead, and the old things claim that Miss Xiao is not worth living."

Not worth living?

Everyone was shocked and stunned. ..

What old things do you really have? Even if it is a true God, it will not arbitrarily determine that a person is worthy of living. What qualifications does he have to dominate the fate of others?

Gu Ya's face is white and colorless, and there is panic in his eyes: "What do you say? I don't believe it, I don't believe that Gu Lao really went to find Linger's trouble. I obviously said that let him not hurt Linger, why should he still Do you do this?"

Even more, I lost my life...

Her heart hurts, and there are scenes in her mind that have been associated with Gu Lao for thousands of years. Such a scene is more like a sword in her heart.

"It’s all my fault..." Gu Ya held her head tightly, tears streaming silently, and the voice was shaking. "It’s all my fault. Gu Lao is definitely trying to hurt her, it’s me. I am old, I am the one who has hurt me the most. Hehe."

At the end of the day, she cried out, and the crying was very small, and it grew bigger and bigger, spreading throughout the night.

Tian Yan’s eyes are still indifferent, but anyone who wants to hurt his loved ones, no matter who he is, will not let go.

"If you cry enough, you will answer my question now. Do you spread the news of the disappearance of the lord?"

Gu Yaman was flustered in the tears of the eyes.

She understands that if she confesses, she will surely die even worse.

Therefore, she bit her lip and groaned back: "I don't have it. I admit that I have fallen into the emperor's house, but I have not betrayed the lord's house. If the lord is the lord, I can kill me, but I will not admit that I have not. Things I have done."

In this battle, the loss of the lord's house was too serious. If she confessed, those people would smash her corpse and avenge her death.

Therefore, she can never plead guilty...

"It's obviously you," Ji Qingge clenched his fist tightly. "You leaked the news, I can see it. The first time I asked this question, your panic was too obvious. At first glance, it was lie."

Gu Ya trembled: "Do you have any evidence to prove that I did?"


Ji Qingge couldn't speak for a while.

She was able to make sure that the matter was done by Gu Ya, but she had no evidence to prove her hand, and she could only keep her breath.

"Lord," she turned to look at the lord, her eyes cold. "Although I have no evidence, I can be sure that she is."

Gu Ya forced himself to calm down.

She can no longer show panic, otherwise, as before, it will be seen by these people.

"The lord himself has just said that it is necessary to pay attention to the evidence when doing things. If there is no evidence, it cannot be proved that I am doing it."

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