
Gu Ya looked at the people who were clamoring to kill her, and her eyes were confused.

How could she be a sinner?

She just wants to go to the ruins to find the lord, killing the six elders and the seven elders, it is not her intention...

Why do these people want to smash her corpse?

Therefore, she is not wrong, this thing can not blame her...

"Lord, we have to avenge the dead brothers," Yu Yu looked at Gu Ya with red eyes. His eyes contained the light of the calendar. "She killed so many people in the lord's house, six elders and seven The elders are also dying of this, and it must not be too easy for her to die. Only when she is tortured can she die."

When Gu Ya was shocked, she looked up and hurriedly turned her eyes to the white face, with an anxious tone.

"You promised me, it will make me die, you can't let them do this."

Bai Yan lightly smiled: "I promised you, but unfortunately... I have not said that others will not do it to you. I promised only myself. I can't restrain other people's actions."

The implication is that I will not do it for you, it is not difficult to keep other people from doing it...

The mood of the elders rose with the words of Bai Yan.

At the beginning, they were worried about the promises of Bai Yan just now, and they dared not to easily touch Gu Ya, but if they did not let the woman taste the pain, they could not calm the anger of their hearts.

Therefore, after the words of Bai Yan, all the eyes fell on Gu Ya's body, with an angry fire, seems to be able to swallow her.

"You are a high-ranking person, you can't even count!"

Gu Ya climbed up from the ground, and she clenched her fists tightly, and the unwilling and angry eyes stared at Bai Yan.

If the eyes can kill, it is hoped that Bai Yan has been killed by her eyes countless times.

"When will I talk about it?" Bai Yan said with a sneer. "I said that I won't do it for you. It will definitely not be shot. I can't control other people's things. Hey, mother, I am a little tired. The things of the aftermath will be given to you, Linger, let us go."

Bai Yan finally looked at Gu Gu Ya and slowly turned around. She took the hand of Xiao Linger and raised a cold curvature.

She really does not do it. As for what will happen to Guiya, she will not stop it.

If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price!

"Do not!"

Under the night, a sharp voice came out and spread throughout the night sky for a long time.

Gu Ya looked at the people in the lord's office who had already come to the front. She turned back in horror. It was already a wall behind her, which made her retreat.

"Guya, we have not been thin for you these years, but you have used this method to reward us."

Ji Tian shook his head in disappointment. He never thought that one day, Gu Ya would betray the lord's house.

Also killed two elders...

"Great elders, I really don't mean it. Hey, I don't want this to happen. If you don't let me go to the lord, I can't think of it. I beg you to let me die." A little, please..."

She cried and squatted in front of Ji Tian. Both hands hugged Ji Tian’s thighs. The graceful gesture had long ceased to exist. The face was tearful and it was very pitiful, but it could not touch anyone’s heart. .

Because... Under this poor appearance, what is hidden is a snake-hearted heart. Otherwise, she will not make such selfish things...

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