"You are such a selfish person, you still want to die, so that you are happy, how can I be worthy of the brothers who have lost their lives?"

Ji Tian slammed his eyes openly, and looked sharply at the valley in front of him. *With *dream*small*.lā

"You eavesdrop on our conversation and save the lord with the method we have come up with. As long as the lord can come back, it doesn't matter who is going to rescue it. Unfortunately, I didn't think that you would not hesitate to see the lord. Regardless of the lives of so many people, Gu Ya, how do you want us to forgive you? What qualifications do you have for our forgiveness?"

His voice was solemn and cold, and he asked with a voice, and his breath was forced.

Gu Ya's hand slowly loosened, and her body fell to the ground with powerlessness. The tears wet her clothes, and the pale face seemed weaker and weaker.

She understands... these people will not easily let her die.

If they fall into their hands, they must be born to die.

At the thought of this, Gu Ya's palms quietly gathered into a group of forces, slammed into their own brains, her eyes contained a determined, even suicide, will not give these people the opportunity to torture her.


Ying Ying, who was always staring at her, saw her move naturally. She slammed the past and took Gu Ya’s body a few meters away. The ground also left a shallow trace.

"Want to die? Not so easy, Gu Ya, fell into our hands, I will let you regret making such a decision in this life." Yingdie sneered, sneer with no expression.

Gu Ya opened her mouth and spit out a blood. Her pale face slowly turned and looked at Tianyan again.

Her eyes are filled with disappointment, infatuation, affection...no hate.

No matter how this man treats her like this, she will not hate him. After all, thousands of years ago, no Tianyan saved her life, she has long since disappeared.

Then when the man descended from the sky, she pulled her out of the abyss of despair.

At this moment, the figure of the stalwart of the gods is engraved in her heart, and this life is unforgettable.

"Lord, give me the same opportunity, I will not regret falling in love with you..." Gu Ya smiled low, her laughter was full of bitter taste, "You can't watch it thousands of years ago." I glanced at it. After thousands of years, I still didn’t look at me more. I used to hope that I could stay with you. If you don’t marry your wife in your life, I will never leave. I thought you wouldn’t really marry and have children. but……"

His wife and children are coming to the door.

Also gave her a big heart, so that her heart hurts.

"Now I know that the elders will not let me go, I just want to ask the lord again..." Gu Ya looked up and looked at Tianyan with the look of expectation. "If it didn't happen today, can I... ...become yours? Stay with you forever?"

Tian Yan's indifferent sight turned to Gu Ya, his hand was always gently licking Bai Ning's waist, the beautiful face was expressionless, and there was no mood swing in the voice.

"I have been alone for many years, just to wait for him to appear. If I want to be a beggar, I have already received it. It is impossible to wait until now."

In other words, he will only have one wife in this life, and there will be no small defects.

Gu Ya once again stepped back. She looked down and spit out a bit of blood from her mouth. Some of the weak stations were unstable.

There are some people in the lord's house who are full of **** men. If they face other women who are weak in the wind, they can't help but hold her.

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