If you give hope to cognac, I am afraid that he will not be able to live now.

Just because he never gave him hope, Cognac can accompany his mother in the capacity of a brother.

“Is it good to look good? And who is better than Debbie?”

This time, Bai Xiaochen licked his mouth and said, "I don't even think about it." "The two of them have their own appearances. The cognac is a fairy who does not eat the fireworks. The father is very amazing, but... I prefer the father now. king."

Who gave the mother a lifetime of happiness, who he likes.

Even if Emperor Cang often bullies him, he will like him as usual...

"Where was it? Did my brother prefer to do it before?"

Xiao Linger has always been a curious little baby, who likes to get to the bottom. ..

"Well," Bai Xiaochen did not deny, he nodded. "At first, the father and the old bully the mother, I don't like her. My mother is my favorite woman. Who is bullying her, who is my enemy, if not The father later performed well, and he promised me that I would help me improve my strength so that I could protect my mother. I didn’t accept him so quickly..."

To blame, can only blame the original performance of the Emperor Cang is too bad, Bai Xiaochen so protect the mother, how to allow someone to bully his favorite mother?

In comparison, Chu Yifeng was in his heart, just like the same sunshine, giving her mother too much warmth and care, but she never forced her and bullied her...

Therefore, Bai Xiaochen will naturally prefer Chu Yifeng.

"Linger, although I am not strict with you every day, but both of you have listened to me now," Bai Xiaochen raised his eyebrows, tone of domineering, hands on his hips. "Mother is the boss of our family, who bullies her, who is us The enemy of a family, no matter whether the mother is right or wrong, there is never a mistake, understand?"

Every day, I understand the nod, obviously I don’t understand what Bai Xiaochen said.

But Xiao Linger understood the meaning of his words, and said: "Linger understands that the mother is not wrong, the wrong ones will only be other people, even if the mother and the girl quarrel, it must be awkward. wrong."

"True," Bai Xiaochen’s light was soft, his little hand touched Xiaoling’s little head, and then he turned his head and looked at it every day. “Every day, you grow up, you must be as jealous as you are now, you can’t mess with your mother. I am angry, otherwise I will hit you, I will really hit you!"

Every day, I was so scared that he could feel the horror of the big brother now...

"I am very obedient, really."

He was so scared that he was crying out, still thinking about what he was doing wrong, why did the big brother want to beat him?

"This is what you are," Bai Xiaochen picked and picked a cute little brow. "You don't need to know anything else. Just understand that the mother is the day."

Ji Qingge stood aside and stared blankly at Bai Xiaochen, who was teaching his younger siblings. His eyes were shocking.

Her gaze slowly turned to the white face, and the clear eyes contained the light of worship.

Mrs. Emperor is awesome, and her son is so powerful... I want to grow up in the future, and I want a son who is so intimate...


Bai Yan took a picture of Bai Xiaochen’s head and smiled shallowly: "If you go on, you will be scared and crying every day."

"Mother, how can I be so ferocious?" Bai Xiaochen smiled and hugged the waist of Bai Yan. He raised his face. "Actually, I am still very gentle. As long as my brother does not make you angry, I am a good brother. If he makes you angry, I will teach him!"

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