Bai Yan shook his head: "The gods of refining at that time have already been divided. If necessary, I have to refine it. Moreover, your strength is not enough. Taking the **** of creation is too risky. You must first increase your strength to be crucial. After your strength is improved, I will help you to make a god. With -dream - .lā"

"Yes, cousin."

With the guarantee of Bai Yan, Lan Xiaoyun’s eyes are braving blue light, as if she has seen the gods waving at her.

"Linger, every day, go to your former grandfather and Zeng's grandmother."

Bai Yan took a shot of Linger and the back of the day, Wen Sheng said.

The two little guys never recognized each other, so it was very well-behaved to go to the blue father and the old lady, the voice was soft: "Zeng Grandpa, Zeng Grandma."

"Oh, good boy."

Mrs. Blue’s wife crouched down and held a little guy in her hand. The two little guys’ bodies were soft and with a hint of milky fragrance.

She is more and more happy, and she is smiling in her eyebrows.

"Grandma, you are a lot younger."

Bai Yan looked at the blue lady, without a trace of wrinkles, her mouth slightly raised, and her eyes were full of smiles.

“Really?” Mrs. Blue stroking her face, her heart filled with joy. “Not what beauty dressing you gave me before. I take it every month. I went out and said that I have already been sixty. When they are old, they don’t even believe it."

For practitioners, age can last forever.

But only when the strength reaches a certain level can it be reached.

As the old lady of Blue is not very high-level, only the use of medicinal herbs can make her have a young beauty.

"Cousin, how long are you going to live this time?" Lan Shaoqi looked at Bai Yan and smiled awkwardly. "We all miss you."

Bai Yan hangs his eyes: "I will go back to the demon world tomorrow. I just want to bring Linger and come back to see you every day. They have never been to the place where I live..."

"This way." Blue Shaohao's eyes were very disappointing. I didn't expect Bai Yan to come back and stay away for one night.

See you next time, don't know when.

"Yan Er," Mrs. Lan put down two small buns and held the hand of Bai Yan. "Would you like to stay in the blue house tonight?"

Bai Yan wanted to refuse, but he saw the old lady's eyes with hope. If she refused, she would never say it.

"Well, I will stay at the Blue House tonight. In addition, after I came back, it is estimated that some people have already heard the news. If it is a Fenglou and a monster, you will let them in, and..." Yanton paused. "If Wang Deqiu and his son want to come, they can also let them come to me."

Mrs. Blue smiled and patted her palm: "What about the people in the palace? The Queen Mother is still chanting you before."

"If the Queen Mother and the Nangong Temple are coming, they will bring me directly. Others will not see you."

She did not forget that the world did not know her relationship with the Holy Land, and when she was threatened, the Queen Mother stood on her side.

Maybe the Queen Mother helps her, just because her foster mother is a blue moon, but there is nothing wrong with it. She still chooses to face the threat of the Holy Land and is to help her...

Therefore, this love, she is deeply in the bottom of my heart.

"Okay, then let's go to rest first."

Mrs. Lan’s wife loosened her hand and smiled. “You should be tired all the way. Take a rest. After you have a good rest, I will let them come in to see you.”

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