She doesn't want to let those people let their granddaughters rest badly. With {梦}小◢.1a

"Cousin, I have left you the room you used to live in, but now there are more Linger and every day, I will let people prepare for a later time," Lan Xiaoyun smiled and joined the side of Bai Yan, "also Yes, I want to sleep with my cousin today..."

Bai Xiaochen Li Mara lived in the arms of Bai Yan and turned to look at the blue rhyme.

"Hey, how come you want to occupy my mother? I know it by my father, and I will definitely not spare you."

Lan Xiaoyun grinned: "Anyway, you are no longer here, you don't let my cousin accompany me to sleep, then let Xiao Linger accompany me, Xiao Linger, this watery spirit is really flattering, really Not good, you and every day."

Bai Xiaochen stunned and was stunned.

I remember that in the past, the watch was sticky to him, and now why did he become incidental?

Bai Yan reached out and played the head of the blue rhyme: "You don't make trouble, you rest alone, the morning to accompany the spirit, every day like to sleep alone, my words ... not accustomed to others to accompany me."


Lan Xiaoyun's grievances lowered her head, how did she feel that she was dismissed...

"Morning, Linger, every day, let's go, take a break first, and someone will come to visit later."

Bai Yan lazy and stretched out, how she felt that she was getting tired more and more recently.

However, Bai Yan did not think much, with three little guys walking in the direction of the backyard...


Since Bai Yan appeared on the mainland, her news has been spread, and countless people want to come and visit.

Some people even know that after Bai Yan returns, they will definitely come to the Blue House. Therefore, everyone will rush to the country of the fire without stopping, and they want to see her before she leaves.

However, the Blues took a tough attitude this time and drove all the people blocking the door. The guards of the Blue House were relieved, and they would never have to face these idiots. ..

The sun sets.

The evening glow of the evening is all over the sky, dazzling and beautiful.

At the moment, on the gazebo where the blue house falls, Bai Yan hits the red dress, and the carpet is like a carpet. Under the cover of the setting sun, the beauty is stunning and dazzling.

Her posture was lazy, leaning obliquely on the beads behind the gazebo, and the beautiful eyes were lifted, looking at the two people standing in front of them.

Among the two, one is a middle-aged man, the face is handsome, the temperament is extraordinary, the other is a charming, like a beautiful rose, a smile between the smiles.

"Flower Luo, Fang Yufeng, I didn't expect you to be so clever, actually came at the same time," Bai Yan smiled. She sat up straight, her lips were bright, and her smile was brilliant. "In recent years, Fenglou and the monsters have been able to it is good?"

Hualuo smiled stunnedly: "Master, you have been better in these days when you left. If the three forces of the three major forces have already broken through to the gods, I am afraid that Fenglou can catch up with the three forces."

Bai Yan picked up his eyes and looked up and down the line of sight. The smile gradually deepened: "Yes, your strength is stronger than before, but there is still some distance from the gods. It is just because of your strength that you can take the gods." Dan, after I go to refining a god, you should reach the realm."

The eyes of Hualuo are full of joy, excited to say: "Thank you."

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