"The corpse in this ancient box has always been the faith of our shrine. Even though I have not known that the ancient box contained a corpse in these years, but..." Huang Xin’s voice paused. I had the existence of our shrine because of him. Can I beg you to take this body away?"

Bai Ning’s heart trembled a little, and he was surprised to see the yellow letter standing in front.

"What do you mean by this? There are so many people here, do you think I can go out?"

Huang Xin’s back is as tall as ever, and at this moment it is like a mountain.

"Here is the shrine, we naturally have a way to let you go! In addition... Mrs. Bai Ning, the mistakes made by our shrine in the past, not only harmed the white face, but also harmed you, we made the mistake, by We ourselves, the people in the realm of God are innocent. If you have the power, please help me... to save the people of the world."

In these years, they have made so many mistakes for the realm of the gods. Just because they care too much about this godland, they will be turned around by people.

And so far, their initial heart has not changed.

The realm of the gods is still what they want to guard, and they do not hesitate to live their lives.

"Well, I promise you," Bai Ning looked up at Huang Xin in the crowd. "If I have the ability, I must not let the world of God rise."

"Thank you..."

Huang Xin smiled.

Other gods are also relieved.

For them, giving up their lives and changing the promise of Bai Ning is worth it.

Since Bai Ning promised, then what she said will definitely do...



Suddenly, Bai Ning felt that the entire ground had collapsed and entered, and the whole body shook up.

The strong people in the field of inflammation who are standing next to her are also in the ground...

Yin Elder and others changed their faces and just wanted to stop. Suddenly, a yellow earth wall was raised behind Huang Xin.

The loess wall rises from the surrounding, and even the sky is blocked.

"You have killed so many people in my realm in your field. Today, I can kill one, one is to avenge the dead people of the world!"

The color of the flame appeared in the eyes of Huang Xin. He looked like a dead, the old face was bleak to no eyes, and the body swiftly raided in the crowd.

Several other gods have also shot.

Since they have come, they have no intention of leaving to live. If they can kill a few strong players, they are worth it...


Yin Chang’s eyes watched Bai Ning disappear, and his fire broke out. His palm stretched out and a wide sword appeared in his hand.


The wide sword crossed a sword light and attacked Huang Xin.

Huang Xin’s chest was opened with a big mouth, and blood came out constantly. He couldn’t feel the pain at all, haha ​​laughed.

"I don't know why you got the body in the ancient box, but... can make you so angry and ruined, I am worth it all, hahahaha! This is the price of your invasion of my god!"

When it comes to the last word, Huang Xinyi's teeth and teeth, countless swords fell on his body, blood rushing out, he still unaware, haha ​​laughed and fell to the ground.

With a bang, it fell into a pool of blood.

Until the death, the smile of his mouth still did not disappear, as if ridiculing the elders Yin and the people in the field...

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