
When Huang Xinyi died, several other gods did not resist it for too long, and they had already lost their interest under the attack of many powerful people.

The elders of Yin’s fists creaked, and the cold colors in his eyes flashed past: “Give me a search, even if you dig three feet, you should find the woman!”

"Yes, elders."


There is a passage in the memory of the shrine, and only a few gods in this channel have the ability to open.

This channel is directly connected to a mountain range and is some distance from the shrine.

Through a long passage, Bai Ning walked into the mountains, and she breathed a sigh of relief, only to look at the crowds who followed.

"How is his body?"

When turning around, Bai Ning’s line of sight fell on the ancient box. After seeing the body of Tianyan safe and sound, she quietly let out a sigh of relief.


Fortunately they came out.

Otherwise, she is not absolutely sure to cope with so many masters.

"who are you?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the front.

Bai Ning snorted and turned around and looked around, and saw a girl dressed in linen looking at her.

The girl's face was dirty, but she couldn't hide the clear and moving inside. She gently licked her lips and looked at Bai Ning's eyes with some curiosity: "You look...some familiar."

"Liu Yexin, who are you talking to? Master is keeping you well, what are you doing around? I am looking for you!"

Just as Bai Ning wanted to ask for a voice, another crisp sound suddenly came.

It was only in this discourse that Pang Ning was so eager to make Bai Ning slightly frown, his eyes slowly turned, and the girl who came to the front.

The girl’s face is beautiful and bright, and she looks cute and charming.

Her eyebrows were full of impatience, staring at Liu Yexin.

"I..." Liu Yexin slowly turned his head. Her voice was obviously aggrieved, but she couldn't even say a word for her own defense.

Mo Xinyan snorted and slowly turned her head. Her pretty nephew stared at Bai Ning.

At this moment, her eyes tightened and her fists clenched.

"This lady, you are a little familiar, and look too much like a woman I know..." Mo Xinyan's shallow lips, "I don't know if you know her, she is called Bai Yan."

Bai Ning and Bai Yan are similar in the five senses, but they are not carved out by a model. In fact, there are still some differences. However, compared with Bai Yan’s arrogance, Bai Ning is elegant and indifferent.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Bai Ning's look is as light as ever, calmly said.

When the woman mentioned Yan Er, she was quite gnashing her teeth. It must be the enemy of Yan Er. At this time, she could not report the relationship with Yan Er, so as not to let Tian Yan’s body be damaged.

"It's ok?"

Mo Xinyan’s eyes showed a suspicion.

This woman is similar to Bai Yan. If it is okay, it is impossible to use it. With the beautiful face of Bai Yan, how can people in the world be like this in a coincidence?

Yes, Mo Xinyan admits that Bai Yan is very beautiful.

She is more beautiful than any woman she has ever seen...

If she is a man, she will also be worried about such a woman. Unfortunately, she is only a woman, and she only has a slap and hate in the face of Bai Yan.

"let's go."

Bai Ning didn't want to be too late here. She gave her eyes to the people behind her. She dragged the ancient box and left from the girl's side.

"Wait a minute..."

Mo Xinyan blinked a ray of light inside, and wanted to stop Bai Ning's way. At this moment, a familiar atmosphere came from the rear, and her body froze.

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