
"Master... Master?"

She stiffened and slowly turned her head and looked at the woman who came from behind, licking her lips.

At this moment, her brain has already shed sweat, cold sweat is soaking the back, clothes tightly against the back, cold wind blowing, a feeling of coolness came.

She shuddered coldly.

"Master, your strength... is it restored?"

Liu Chenshuang shook his head: "Restore a part, or when I have not reached my peak, give me a few more months, I will be able to recover completely. This time I just came out to breathe."

After seeing the appearance of Liu Chenshuang, Liu Yexin was silent again. She was like a transparent person, standing silently by the tree, without saying a word.

Liu Chen cream raised his head and his eyes turned slowly. He happened to fall on Bai Ning who was about to leave.

At that moment, the endless anger burned from the bottom of my heart, and the beautiful face was very cold.

"What is your relationship with Bai Yan?"

Bai Ning brows lightly, not waiting for her to come back, Mo Xinyan on the side has already helped her back.

"Master, I have already asked her about it. She said that she has nothing to do with Bai Yan..."

"It doesn't matter? Hahaha!" Liu Chenshuang laughed twice, and the laughter was mad. "Unfortunately, even if it doesn't matter, anyone who has a similarity with Bai Yan will not let go. What's more, do you still have three similarities?"

Bai Ning is a stiff body. She knows that this time, I am afraid I can't leave easily.

"Damn, all of you are damned, and women who look like her, **** each!"


The dust of the dust and dust came out, and the whole sky became a sullen, sullen.

Bai Ning looked back at the crowd behind him: "You bring this flesh back to him, I am staying to deal with this woman."


The old man behind him changed his face and hurriedly guarded Bai Ning: "You can't stay, go, let's go together."

"No, if you don't leave, you can't go without it. The strength of this woman... is stronger than those who have just been. You will leave now, go quickly!"

Bai Ning’s voice was sharp and sharp, and he screamed.

Everyone is silent.

Bai Ning did not say anything, but they all understood what she meant.

If they can't walk, the body of the lord can't be saved. Once the body is destroyed, the field seal will be cracked.

At that time, the world will be in chaos.

But they promised the lord, will protect the safety of his wife, how can she give up her now?

"I am your lord's wife, this is the order!" Bai Ning's tone once again pulled up a bit, she has already looked back, facing the Liu Chen cream.

The hearts of the people trembled. They looked at Bai Ning. After all, they decided to protect the body of the lord first.

Therefore, they looked at Bai Ning with that complicated look and turned and wanted to leave the mountains.

"Want to go?" Liu Chenshuang's cold smile, ironically evokes the lips. "In this world, no one can escape from me. If you let me go, where will my face fall?" put?"

Bai Ning’s light was sinking, and the body was blocked.

"The person you want to deal with is not me? Why bother with them?"

"Ha ha ha!"

Liu Chenshuang laughed three times: "If I didn't guess wrong, what should be in the ancient box, what you want to protect? Since it is what you want to protect, then I will ruin her, I want It hurts you very much!"

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