In the dust, a girl in pink clothes pulled Huang Xiaoying's arm tightly, and her delicate eyes were full of anger.


Huang Xiaoying turned her head and looked at the emperor Xiaoyun who brought her the storm. The eyes were full of mistakes.

The princess is back?


Xiao Linger and Tian Tian saw the appearance of Emperor Xiaoyun every day, and his face was full of joy.

Perhaps it has not been seen for a long time, these loved ones, the tears of grievances emerged from the eyes of Xiao Linger, but she is very sensible and did not cry, just rushed to the front of Emperor Xiaoyun, slammed into her arms. .

"Aunt, my mother is not in the demon world, the big brother is also out, only Linger and two people every day... Aunt, I miss you."

She really missed them too...

Xiao Linger’s tears soaked the clothes of Emperor Xiaoyun.

Emperor Xiaoyun touched her little head and slowly raised her head, and her eyes fell on the handsome face of Ye Yuche.

I don't know if she felt anything. The original angry eyes gradually filled with murderousness. The bloodthirsty light flashed from the bottom of her eyes. She hated to gnash her teeth.

"It's you!"

At that time, the man who killed the national teacher was shrouded in black robes from beginning to end, but she had already engraved his breath deeply in the soul, and now it takes only a moment to recognize the identity of the other party. .

Ye Lanqi picked up his eyes and looked coldly at the emperor Xiaoyun standing in front of his eyes. The ironic hook: "I used to escape once. I didn't expect this time, you sent it to the door, so just right, I even His sister killed him and made him feel unhappy after he came back!"

His hatred of Emperor Cang has reached a crazy level, he wants to destroy all happiness, he wants to kill all the people around him!

Only in this way can he destroy his inner hate!

"Aunt, he killed Uncle Uncle..." The tears of Xiao Linger slammed down and splashed on the ground.

Her eyes were wronged, like a child who was bullied, and she was going home to ask the parents for a complaint.

Emperor Xiaoyun’s beautiful big eyes sank slightly. She slowly loosened the little Linger in her arms and asked: “Linger, where did my brother Wang and Wang Hao go?”

"I don't know," Xiao Linger shook his head. The original big eyes were bleak at the moment. "I haven't seen them for two years..."

I have been away for two years and I don’t know when I will return.

If they are... these bad guys have no way to find trouble in the demon world.

She misses her mother-in-law...

"Huang Xiaoying, you take them back to the palace first, the palace is safe, there is a little dragon, there will be nothing, this person... I will deal with her!"

Emperor Xiaoyun took a deep breath and her beautiful little face was dignified.

Ye Hao's eyes flashed through a cold mang: "Are you breaking through to the lord?"

"Yes, just broke through not long ago."

Emperor Xiaoyun clung to the powder punch, and the momentum emerged from her body.

"So, I have to avenge my national teacher."

The power that now supports her to live is to avenge the national division. Even if it is exhausted, it does not matter.

"Oh, a person who just broke through to the lord, the previous shackles are like you, thinking that you can stop me, but the result is that the soul is flying away, you... but that is the case."

What about the lord?

However, it has just broken through to the realm of the lord.

She and her knees are in front of him, there is no difference.

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